*From my favorite blog; Venspired
School? It’s about the kids. Society loves to simplify our jobs. Make it about facts and kids knowing stuff. Make it about graphs and charts that display our school’s weak points. But what aren’t people seeing? The kids.
The kids whose parents no longer live in the home. The kids who get one meal a day, their school lunch. The kids who cry at night because they are the adult in the house. The kids who have amazing potential buried in trying to help raise a younger sibling or who have big struggles caused by the fact that they are caring for themselves. The kids whose parents have a terrible drug problem and are headed to prison. The kids who haven’t lived more than six months in the same place since they were born. The kids who don’t know what Santa visits are like. The ones who don’t have a Crockpot with warm meals filling their house when they hop off the bus.
Every teacher knows a student whose story would break your heart.
A story that would stop you in your tracks.
A story that would remind you what education is about. Education? It’s about the kids.
The charts & graphs in the paper are just numbers. Teachers? We impact lives.
Thank you for all that you do to make an impact on our Kennedy Kubbies each and everyday! They are blessed to have you in their lives.Β π
Here’s our week at a glance:
Monday, October 8th:
Tuesday, October 9th:
Faculty Meeting Β @ 2:30pm Β <—-click for agenda
Reading/ELL Committee Meeting (Room 110)
School Community Committee Meeting (after faculty meeting)
Wednesday, October 10th:
2nd Grade Field Trip to Tyrell Trailside Museum (Rooms 104 & 105)
SLBC to Schiller Park Police Department
Reading/ELL Common Plan
*PreK: Faculty Meeting at start of common plan @ 2:50pm*
Thursday, October 11th:
2nd Grade Field Trip to Tyrell Trailside Museum (Rooms 115 & 106)
Event Planning Committee Meeting @ 2:30pm (Room 115)
Friday, October 12th:
Pre School Screening
Kindergarten Field Trip to Didier Farm