There will certainly be some challenges this year. Things won’t always go well or how you had hoped. What will your attitude be like? Will you find the positives and/or look for solutions? Or will you complain and be a naysayer? Attitudes are contagious, is yours worth catching? We can plan and be as proactive as possible, but sometimes it won’t go well. We just need to remember that life is 10% what happens and 90% how we respond to it. Others are always watching us. Here’s to making this week supportive, visible, reassuring and positive for our Kennedy Kubbies! Donna, Tiffany & I thank you in advance for all the time & hard work you have put into preparing for Curriculum Night this Thursday.
Here’s our week at a glance:
Monday, August 31st
Book Fair Browse Begins (Book Fair is located in hallway near courtyard)
Starting Today: 2nd & 3rd Grade Kids Klub Students should report to the ART ROOM at dismissal
Tuesday, September 1st
Beginning of Childhood Cancer Awareness Month
Reading Room Plan Day
MAP for Primary Grades will continue (in classrooms/laptops on a cart)
Happy Birthday Rosa Andreuccetti 🙂
Wednesday, September 2nd
1st Day of Reading Room
Thursday, September 3rd
SLT Meeting @ 3:00pm
Kennedy Curriculum Night 6:00pm-7:30pm
Friday, September 4th
Wear Yellow! GO GOLD for Childhood Cancer Awareness
5 Positive Connections by Friday 🙂
09/07: NO SCHOOL (Labor Day)
Blogs Worth Reading:
Digital Tools/Apps to Kick Off the New School Year
Starting a New School Year: Nine Tips for Collaboration
Great Google Drive Add-Ons & Chrome Extensions for Teachers
12 Choices to Help You Step Back From Burnout
Curriculum Night Ideas (click on picture to take you to blog-post/link):