Week 26: 02/24/20 – 02/28/20

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Here’s our week at a glance:

Monday, February 24th
Happy Birthday Shannon Keating 🙂
Kindergarten DATA Meeting with RR
Yearbook/Technology Club Meeting (2:30pm-4:00pm)
Dr. Seuss Committee Meeting @ 2:45pm (D115)
Project Unify Basketball Game @ 3:45pm (Lincoln Gym)

Tuesday, February 25th
Happy Birthday Briahna Santoro 🙂
1/2 Day Parent/Teacher Conferences

Wednesday, February 26th
Washington School Community Forum @ 6:30pm

Thursday, February 27th
PreK Parent Workshops
Charity Committee @ 2:30pm
Talent Show Committee Meeting @ 2:30pm (D209)

Friday, February 28th
Happy Birthday Alicia Peccatiello 🙂
SPRING PICTURE DAY (in gymnasium) *Everyone gets their picture taken!
SLBC Swimming Day

(03/01) Happy Birthday Tami Ericksen 🙂

Week 25: 02/17/20 – 02/21/20

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Here’s our week at a glance:

Monday, February 17th
Happy Birthday Jackie Hood
Happy Birthday Mike Deany

Tuesday, February 18th
K-2nd to LMS for Washington Musical (Frozen Jr) @ 9:00am

Wednesday, February 19th
3rd to LMS for Washington Musical (Frozen Jr) @ 9:30am
2nd/3rd TAPS during CPT
Board of Education Meeting @ 7pm

Thursday, February 20th
Kindergarten/Bilingual Articulation @ 2:00pm (Room 132)
Spirit Committee Meeting @ 2:30pm
Washington Musical @ 6:30pm

Friday, February 21st
PreK Field Trip to Shedd Aquarium

(2/23) Harlem Wizards Basketball Game

Week 24: 02/10/20 – 02/14/20

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Here’s our week at a glance:

Monday, February 10th
Kids Heart Challenge (all Week) in PE class *Jump Rope For Heart*
PreK to Washington School for 4th Grade Buddies Event (9:30am)
2nd Grade (Craft, Keating, Rowland) to PF Changs (10:00am)
PreK to Washington School for 4th Grade Buddies Event (12:25pm)
1st Grade DATA Meeting with RR @ 2:30pm

Tuesday, February 11th
Happy Birthday Lindsay Imyak 🙂
PATS Field Trip to Shedd Aquarium @ 9:00am
2nd Grade (Oraham & Ward) to PF Changs (10:00am)
Faculty Meeting @ 2:45pm (Presentation Space)
SLT Meeting (following Faculty Meeting) – 3rd Grade Project Space

Wednesday, February 12th
8th Grade Buddies Visit 3rd Grade (8:55am)
*Please be sure your spaces are prepared for visitors*
PreK/K/1st TAPS during CPT
Wizards Committee Meeting @ 3:00pm

Thursday, February 13th
1st Grade Field Trip to LEGOLAND (8:45am)
SEL Committee Meeting @ 2:45pm

Friday, February 14th
End of Trimester 2
Happy Birthday Kaitlin Hillner 🙂
Please be sure your Parent/Teacher Conference Schedule is finalized in google spreadsheet!
HOT COCOA Bar in Faculty Lounge, Courtesy of the Culture/Celebrations Committees 🙂

(02/15) Happy Birthday Agnes Niewinski 🙂
(02/17) NO SCHOOL – Presidents’ Day & Happy Birthday to Jackie Hood and Mike Deany!

Week 23: 02/03/20 – 02/07/20

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Here’s our week at a glance:

Monday, February 3rd
Welcome Back from maternity leave, Abby & Becky Z!
Reading Room/Bilingual Closed for ACCESS (Through Wednesday)
February Buddy Event (Mon-Thurs this week)
3rd Grade Data Meeting with RR @ 2:30pm
Dr. Seuss Committee Meeting @ 2:45pm

Tuesday, February 4th
Happy Birthday Anne Weinthaler 🙂

Wednesday, February 5th
Happy Birthday Jenna Bartello 🙂
2/3 STEAM CPT Time
PreK/K Articulation CPT Time (Room 132)

Thursday, February 6th
Happy Birthday Heather Longo
Charity Committee Meeting @ 2:30pm

Friday, February 7th
Happy Birthday Alanna Mixter & Isabella Rybinski 🙂
Kindergarten Field Trip to Disney on Ice
2nd Grade (Miro/Domingo) Field Trip to PF Chang’s

Week 22: 01/27/20 – 01/31/20

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Here’s our week at a glance:

Monday, January 27th
Reading Room/Bilingual CLOSED for ACCESS Testing
Happy Birthday Allie Hart 🙂
Yearbook/Technology Club (2:30pm-4:00pm)
2nd Grade Data Meeting with RR @ 2:30pm
Culture Committee Meeting @ 2:30pm

Tuesday, January 28th
100th Day of School!
Faculty Meeting @ 2:50pm

Wednesday, January 29th
1/2 Day SIP (agenda will be emailed)
Kindergarten Buddies Visits Washington School (8:45am-10:15am)

Thursday, January 30th

Friday, January 31st
Last Day of Step Challenge!
Last Day of Sock Drive
Spirit Assembly!
SLBC Swimming at YMCA

*The Great Kindness Challenge starts tomorrow, 1/27!
Screen Shot 2020-01-26 at 5.15.16 PMJoin the fun at www.thegreatkindnesschallenge.com to promote kindness in schools, communities, and homes. Sign your classroom up to receive access to all the check lists (like the one below):

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Week 21: 01/20/20 – 01/24/20

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Today we celebrate the birthday of Martin Luther King, Jr…..let’s honor Dr. King’s memory as we begin our work week. The following Dr. King quote can help us reflect on the work we are doing at Kennedy School.

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“The function of education is to teach one to think intensively and to think critically. Intelligence plus character, that is the goal of education.”

Do we hold high expectations for all of our learners?
Is critical thinking reinforced for all of our learners?
Is character education a focus in our classrooms everyday?
Are we serving others in our school community?

As you begin your week, keep the above quote in mind as you reflect on your practice.
Let’s have a great 4-day week!

Here’s our week at a glance:

Monday, January 20th
NO SCHOOL – Martin Luther King, Jr.

Tuesday, January 21st
Reading Room & Bilingual CLOSED – ACCESS Testing Begins <–click for schedule
**Let’s support our ELL students as the begin the rigorous ACCESS testing ~ love them, encourage them to try their best and make sure you tell them how proud you are of them! 
Magic Show Preview with the Great Kantini (Gary Kantor) <–click for schedule
Innovation Team Meeting @ 2:30pm

Wednesday, January 22nd
Happy Birthday Michelle Morgan
Winter Birthday Celebrations in the Faculty Lounge
STEAM CPT K/1 (1st Grade Project Space)

Thursday, January 23rd
SEL Committee Meeting @ 2:30pm
Spirit Committee Meeting @ 2:30pm

Friday, January 24th
Happy Birthday Ofelia Golden 🙂
5 by Friday! Positive Postcards are in the office!
The Great Kantini Magic Show @ LMS (5:30pm & 7:00pm Shows)

(01/26) Happy Birthday Brian Key

Week 20: 01/13/20 – 01/17/20

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Here’s our week at a glance:

Monday, January 13th
Sock Drive Begins!
Kindergarten Data Review Meeting @ 2:35pm
Yearbook/Technology Club (2:30pm-4:00pm)
Dr. Seuss Committee Meeting (after school)

Tuesday, January 14th
Faculty Meeting @ 2:45pm (Presentation Space)
Mentor Meeting (4:00pm-5:30pm)

Wednesday January 15th
Happy Birthday Ami Freeman 🙂
Paraprofessional Meeting @ 2:15pm (during CPT – in Conference Room)
Wizards Committee Meeting (3-4pm)
Board of Education Meeting @ 7:00pm

Thursday, January 16th
2nd Grade Field Trip to Adler Planetarium

Friday, January 17th
Happy Birthday Cheri Grimaldi 🙂
5 by Friday! Make 5 Positive Connections or send 5 Positive Postcards by Friday!

(01/20) NO SCHOOL (MLK)

Blog Post Worth Reading:
4 Ways Not to Let Others Dim Your Light via George Couros

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Week 19: 01/06/20 – 01/10/20

Happy New Year and Welcome Back! I hope you enjoyed a restful, relaxing break–time to disconnect from work thoughts, time to enjoy family and friends and to just enjoy time to relax. It is amazing how refreshing the holiday break can be to come back to start an amazing 2020! I know our students will be SO EXCITED to see you all on Monday morning!

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If you’re feeling the “Sunday scaries” about getting up early for the first day in quite some time, I completely understand! It’s hard for adults and kids to get back into the swing of things after such a long break. This is a great time to re-connect with students and let them do so with their classmates by giving them time to talk about what they did over break! Keep in mind, it’s a great time to review classroom management basics as we embark upon a new calendar year at Kennedy, where our students are blessed to receive quality instruction on a  daily basis in safe and orderly classrooms. I appreciate your efforts with reinforcing behavior expectations. Here’s a great blog post from Pernille Ripp on this topic: Ideas for Working with the January Slump.

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Much like last year…… Jon Gordon’s “One Word” asks you to think of one word that gives meaning & focus to your life. Jon suggests coming up with one word instead of list of resolutions.

“A single word can be a powerful thing. It can be a ripple in the pond that changes everything. It can be sharp or biting or rich and soft and slow. A single word can be a catalyst for enriching your life!”

I challenge you to choose one word this January–a word to focus on, reflect upon as one goes about daily life. Can you identify a single word that sums up what you want for yourself in 2020? It can be something tangible or intangible…it could be a thought or a feeling or an emotion. The key is to find something that has personal meaning for you. Donna, Sara and I look forward to re-connecting with you all, hearing all about your Winter Breaks! Please reflect on what your ONE WORD will be for 2020, and keep your eye out for an email….we’ll need you to submit your ONE WORD for a future activity at the faculty meeting on Tuesday, January 14th!

Here’s our week at a glance:

Monday, January 6th
Welcome Back! School Resumes
Happy Birthday Mayra Tellez 🙂
Keep in mind…..Some students will be BURSTING to share their breaks with you! Some kids will be DYING for a HUG! Some kids will need to shake off the cobwebs! Allow for it all! Connection over curriculum on Monday!  Let’s reignite our passion and remember to bring the awesome this week!
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Tuesday, January 7th
Culture Committee’s STEP CHALLENGE begins! <—email Mary Beth to sign up!

Wednesday, January 8th
Harlem Wizard’s Assembly (K-3) @ 8:15am
CPT – reconnect, plan, and regroup FLEX groups based on Winter MAP scores!

Thursday, January 9th
Vision & Hearing Re-Screens
SEL Committee Meeting @ 2:30pm (Upstairs PD Space)

Friday, January 10th
PreK Screenings
5 by Friday! Keep those positive connections with families going strong!

Check out this January 2020 Kindness Challenge (click the picture for the file):
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Week 18: 12/16/19 – 12/20/19


This week we have some changes to our usual routine — Santa Visits, Parents’ Night Out, Holiday Celebrations and sharing holiday wishes. Then on Friday, we all head home for Winter Break where our celebrations continue with our family and friends.

From Jennifer Dinielli’s Blog:
“True for some, not for all. As Winter Break draws near, along with all of the excitement, it is not uncommon to see an increase in undesired behaviors and regression to previous behaviors in our students. For many of our students, home is a place where relationships are unhealthy, meals are not prepared, and drugs/alcohol or violence are part of daily life. For these students, many of whom we may not even be aware of their circumstances, the most consistent, positive and secure part of their life is time at school. No wonder they are exhibiting some stress. When these students walk out of our doors on Friday, there may be no breakfast or lunch, no counseling services, no celebrations, no gifts, and no one to encourage and support them.


So we support our children. We collaborate with our community to provide basic necessities (food, coats, boots, meals). We give our kids books from our classrooms to read over the break. We express that we are thankful for each other and look forward to being together again as a school community in the new year.

And even though we are tired and looking forward to a much-needed break ourselves, we keep an eye on those who are acting out more than usual. We give them structure and routine. We give them a break. We give them encouragement. This may not be their favorite time of the year.”

Thank you for ALL YOU DO for our Kennedy Kubbies EVERYDAY!


Santa & his elves will be visiting the students at Kennedy School on Thursday, December 19th. Santa will be set up in the front lobby for K-3rd (the couch area). *Santa will set up in the Pre School entryway near Door 22 for our PreK/PATS friends!

Thank you for your flexibility. As always, the office ladies will call your class down to greet Santa. Please remind your students, in the best interest of allowing Santa to visit with all 700 students, each Kubbie should be prepared to ask Santa for 1 item! We will be on hand to take photos of students & 1 “class” photo, which will then be posted on our school Flickr account for you to easily download.

Here’s our week at a glance:

Monday, December 16th
Winter Benchmarking
Happy Birthday Sue O’Connell 🙂
1st Grade Data Meeting @ 2:30pm

Tuesday, December 17th
PreK Tree Decorating Parties (10-11am, 1:45pm-2:45pm) in Cafeteria
*See email from Sara/Donna re: Adjusted Lunch Plans

Wednesday, December 18th
Happy Birthday Kim Sendelbach 🙂
1st Grade Field Trip to Stahl Family Theater (9:30am)
2nd/3rd Grade TAPS during CPT
Board Meeting @ 7pm

Thursday, December 19th
Santa Visits Kennedy School
Reading Room Drop Off Day
District SLC/SLBC Pancakes & Pajamas @ 9:30am
Parents Night Out (4:30pm-7:30pm)
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Friday, December 20th
Reading Room Drop Off Day
Spirit Assembly!
Pajama and Movie Day 🙂

School Resumes on January 6th! Have a wonderful Winter Break! 

Week 17: 12/09/19 – 12/13/19

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December can be a crazy time in the classroom. The kids are antsy, your personal to-do list is a mile long (professional and person), and you’re still trying to cover curriculum while you can. But it’s also a time for gratitude, tradition, and reflection, which is why We Are Teachers created the Random Acts of Kindness Calendar (below) for the classroom! Download it, print it, and share it with your students!

Here’s our week at a glance:

Monday, December 9th
2nd Grade Data Review Meeting
Yearbook/Technology Club (2:30pm-4:00pm)

Tuesday, December 10th
Faculty Meeting @ 2:50pm
Chorus Concert (6th-8th Grade) @ 6:30pm

Wednesday, December 11th
PreK/K/1st TAPS Meetings

Thursday, December 12th
Vision/Hearing Testing (Room 135)
Spirit Committee Meeting @ 2:30pm

Friday, December 13th
Christmas Cookie Contest (see email from Marissa Mazzone) 
Winter Benchmarking
SD81 Holiday Party

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Interested in helping volunteer for Parents Night Out next Thursday, December 19th?
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