Week 10: 10/19/20 – 10/23/20


Here’s our week at a glance:

Monday, October 19th
Bully Prevention Week: Wear Kennedy BLUE as a Sign of Peace & Safety
Fire Prevention Week
***FLU SHOTS @ 3:15pm – 1st grade project space
Happy Birthday Eva Popowska 🙂

Tuesday, October 20th
Bully Prevention Week: Hands Are for Helping Day!

Wednesday, October 21st
Bully Prevention Week: UNITY Day! Wear Orange
Happy Birthday Andy Hohmeier
Board Meeting @ 7:00pm

Thursday, October 22nd
Bully Prevention Week: What You Say Matters Day!
Happy Birthday Jimmy Cahill

Friday, October 23rd
Bully Prevention Week: What is Cyberbullying?


Week 9: 10/12/20 – 10/16/20

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I hope everyone had a wonderful 3-day weekend, enjoying the beautiful fall weather, making new memories with those you love and getting much needed rest and recharging!

Here’s our week at a glance:

Monday, October 12th

Tuesday, October 13th

Wednesday, October 14th
Kennedy Supply Pickup (11-12pm)
*Please email Melissa if you plan to work in your classroom Wednesday morning (in order to help distribute supplies)
CPT Meetings

Thursday, October 15th
Happy Birthday Kirby Luczak & Rose Karas!
CF Meeting @ 3:15pm

Friday, October 16th
Happy Birthday Rosa Worwa

(10/17) Happy Birthday Mary Beth D’Andrea

Week 8: 10/05/20 – 10/09/20

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Thank you for all you’re doing to prepare for our Kubbies who will be returning in-person on Monday! We are so excited to see the students!!!! WE CAN’T MASK OUR EXCITEMENT!!!! Despite school looking different from pre-covid school, I’m confident HOW our Kubbies will feel when they are learning with you, will remain the same…..AMAZING, SPECIAL, LOVING, SAFE, and ENGAGING! Thank you for your continued dedication and commitment to providing incredible learning opportunities for our students, despite the method and despite the obstacles. You are doing an incredible job!

*Please be sure to read the Friday 10/2 update email 

Monday, October 5th
First Day of Hybrid (In-Person) for Kindergarten & 1st Grade Students
*Hybrid Schedule for students adjusts, effective today

Tuesday, October 6th
Curriculum Facilitator Meeting @ 3:15pm @ Kennedy (Kindergarten Project Space)

Wednesday, October 7th
*Everyone works remotely on Wednesdays*
FLU SHOTS in 1st grade project space (11:30am-1:00pm) if you signed up!

Thursday, October 8th
*Please work to ensure your supply bags are assembled and ready for next week’s supply pick up date!

Friday, October 9th
Happy Birthday Mandy Vanderwaal 🙂

(10/10) Happy Wedding Day to Lauren Caputo

(10/12) NO SCHOOL

(10/13) Kennedy Supply Pick Up!
*Email with more info, times, and a social media graphic to follow! 

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Week 7: 09/28/20 – 10/02/20

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Please take a moment to read this blog post that was shared in my email over the weekend with the Updated Hybrid Schedule & the napkins you received this morning will make a little more sense 😉

Here’s our week at a glance:

Monday, September 28th
*Hybrid Schedule Begins for All Staff (M,T,T,F 1/2 Day minimum)
Happy Birthday Gina Cacioppo

Tuesday, September 29th
Curriculum Facilitator Meeting @ 3:15pm

Wednesday, September 30th
*Everyone Works Remotely on Wednesdays*
CPT Meetings

Thursday, October 1st

Friday, October 2nd

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Week 6: 09/21/20 – 09/25/20

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**Check out the SLT Notes from last Thursday

Monday, September 21st

Tuesday, September 22nd
Curriculum Facilitator Meeting @ 3:15pm

Wednesday, September 23rd
1/2 Day of School
*PreK Day ends at 10:30am
*K-3 Day ends at 10:55am
*No Afternoon Specials/SEL
MyView Literacty Training Webinar (12-3pm)
Happy Birthday Amanda Quinlan

Thursday, September 24th
Happy Birthday Britney Lane

Friday, September 25th
Happy Birthday Marta Ocon
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Week 4: 09/07/20 – 09/11/20

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I hope you all had a wonderful 3-day weekend, and enjoyed some time with those you love! Here’s our 4-day week at a glance:

Monday, September 7th
No School – Labor Day

Tuesday, September 8th
*New SEL Rotation
Aimsweb Benchmarking (1st-3rd)

Wednesday, September 9th
Aimsweb Benchmarking (1st-3rd)
CPT Meetings

Thursday, September 10th
Aimsweb Benchmarking (1st-3rd)
*Virtual* Curriculum Night (6:30pm-8:00pm) –
See info about our Virtual Curriculum Night here
1:1 Zoom appointments can take place (if parents reach out requesting one with teacher) on Thursday evening and Friday afternoon.
You may conduct your zoom curriculum night appointments from home, as long as you utilize a virtual background that is a photo of your classroom, and you can guarantee a quiet, uninterrupted workspace. For those who wish to be in their classroom spaces at Kennedy, the building will be available on Thursday evening, but you must email me to let me know if you plan on working in the building after 4pm on Thursday.

Friday, September 11th
5 by Friday! Make those positive connections with families!

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Week 3: 08/31/20 – 09/04/20

Screen Shot 2020-08-31 at 4.49.28 PMAs you embark on the second full week of school, please know your feelings are totally normal and we are right there with you, feeling uncertain and that many things are out of our control right now.
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George Couros said, “Change will come our way. We can go through it or we can grow when we seek out solutions rather than let obstacles hinder us.”
The start of this school year may seem very overwhelming, but I want you to know that you’re all doing an AMAZING JOB!
I’m proud of your thirst to learn new things, to embrace the uncertainty, to make this a positive experience for our students.
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The message in this video below was just what I needed to hear today….and I wanted to share it with all of you because I am sure there are many of YOU, who, like me, need to hear it! Have yourself a good cry & remember that your children are watching you and recognizing that you are doing a good job! You are dedicated to our Kubbies and to each other…..remember to give yourself and others grace! You are doing a GREAT JOB!

Here’s our week at a glance:

Monday, August 31st

Tuesday, September 1st

Bilingual Coordinators Meeting @ 1:00pm
SELF-CARE SEPTEMBER (click on this link to access the calendar below)
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Wednesday, September 2nd
CPT Meetings

Thursday, September 3rd

Friday, September 4th
Make those Positive Connections!


Week 2: 08/24/20 – 08/28/20

The first week of this crazy, remote learning is DONE! Well, technically the first 2 days with students.
Thank you for your patiencegraceunderstandingflexibility, and perseverance.
Thank you for making connections with your students, despite the circumstances.
Thank you for supporting your families, and keeping them calm, even when problems occur (which they have and they will).
Thank you for being kind to one another. We are all in this together, and the only way we’ll get through this is by supporting one another. Thank you for all you’ve done to help your colleagues and support one another. As I shared last Friday in the opening day presentation, nothing can stop what we can do together. Please know that you are valued and appreciated. Regardless of the platform, each one of you has the opportunity to make a positive impact your Kubbies. Thank you for treating them with love, modeling flexibility, challenging them to be thinkers and problem-solvers, and nurturing their growth as students & little humans.
We will SEIZE this opportunity and make the BEST of this situation.
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Here’s our week at a glance:
Monday, August 24th
Starting Week 2 of E-Learning
Tuesday, August 25th
PreK/PATS Supply Bag Pickup (11am-1pm) – Door 22 (bus lane)
Faculty Meeting (See Kennedy Calendar for Zoom Invite)
Wednesday, August 26th
PreK/PATS Virtual Meet the Teacher
CPT Meetings (see Kennedy calendar for links – *Team Leader should have shared/created a weekly running agenda – all members can contribute to the agenda)
Thursday, August 27th
1st Day of School for PreK/PATS *remote
Friday, August 28th
5 by Friday!
*Please be sure to compliment our parents, too! This has been challenging for everyone! I’m sure they’d enjoy hearing compliments, too! 
Here’s the 2020-2021 Calendar for your Reference:
SD81 Calendar at a Glance
2020-2021 Calendar (Internal Use)

Week 37: 05/18/20 – 05/22/20

Congratulations on the completion of the 2019-2020 school year! 
It’s hard to believe the year has come to an end. Please accept our thanks for all the wonderful experiences you provided the children this year and your incredible FLEXIBILITY as we were literally thrust into Remote Learning for the last 10 calendar weeks.

Thank you for always making our Kubbies feel loved, safe, happy and for nurturing their growth. Thank you for being that constant source of LOVE and SUPPORT, even during these very scary, uncertain times. We are confident the children will never forget how you made them feel. They will never forget this time of their lives.
We look forward to our continued work together next year and we are confident that our collective staff will continue to keep our eyes on the children and support each other….we WILL get through this TOGETHER and be STRONGER as a result of our experiences.
Have a wonderful summer. Enjoy your time with those you love. You certainly deserve it!

E-Learning — love it, hate it or indifferent to it — should provide us with some critical reflection opportunities. If we’re only using our own experiences to reflect, we’re missing out on hearing students’ voices. What has their experience been like? Students provide some of the most insightful observations we need to grow as educators. The questions below are perfect for the last week of school — or generate your own! But before the week is over, I encourage you to engage with your students and get some feedback on what they liked/disliked about eLearning!

  1. What E-Learning assignments helped you learn the best/most?
  2. How do you know you were learning?
  3. Which subject/topics do you feel the most confident with after eLearning?
  4. What type of assignments were the most thought-provoking/fun for you during eLearning?
  5. Identify your effort level for (insert subject area) class during eLearning?
  6. What type of feedback was the most motivating for you during eLearning?
  7. How much time did you spend on (insert subject area) work each day?
  8. How did you grow as a learner during this time? (what did you learn about yourself – your skills, your study habits, your knowledge, your mindset, etc).
  9. How clear was the big picture of why you were learning these skills and concepts?

Keep in mind, the end of the year is not always happy for some of our students, whose only security and love comes from US. Thank you in advance for loving the students and reassuring them that we love them and can’t wait to see them again soon!Screen Shot 2018-05-19 at 5.44.58 PM

For those of you moving on to new adventures, remember that you’re only as good as your last exit…….and for those of us returning, know that students remember the educators that we are the last week of school…..so let’s make sure they remember the best of what we have to offer!!!!!

Here’s our FINAL week at a glance for the 19-20 school year:

Monday, May 18th
8th Grade Graduation 7:00pm via Zoom
Congrats to our 8th grade graduates!!!!!!

Tuesday, May 19th

Wednesday, May 20th
Please be sure Pinks/Blues are completed by today!
K-3: Transportation Reports due by today!
CPT Meetings

Thursday, May 21st
Virtual “Fly Up Day”
Tenured Teacher Summative Meetings via Zoom (afternoon)

Friday, May 22nd
Last Day of School
Tenured Teacher Summative Meetings via Zoom (afternoon)
PreK Supply PickUp (8:30am-12:00pm)
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(5/25) Happy Birthday Monica LaCapra
Memorial Day

(05/26) Kindergarten/1st Grade iPad Drop Off/Student Belonging PickUp
(05/27) 2nd Grade/3rd Grade iPad Drop Off/Student Belonging PickUp

Screen Shot 2020-05-12 at 2.14.37 PM    Screen Shot 2020-05-12 at 1.48.24 PM***Remind parents to either have their Car Rider Pro tag hanging from their rear view mirror, or put a SIGN with their child’s LAST NAME in the passenger window (large enough for us to see as they drive into the bus lane).

If any parents have questions, or concerns, please direct them to me, or have them email me directly! Thanks!