Week 21: 01/18/21 – 01/22/21

Think of how much your students miss you when they haven’t seen you over a long 3-day weekend? Or after a week-long break?

For some of our Kubbies, they haven’t step foot in our beautiful school, or seen their beloved teachers in over 300 days! Let’s do everything we can to make tomorrow, and every day we we have, as a chance to welcome our Kubbies, show them how loved and missed they are, and express our excitement to have them back in the building for face-to-face learning!

Let’s do this! Let’s remember our WHY and make hybrid learning successful for everyone!
We can do this!

Know that Donna and I are here to support you! We are a text, phone call or email away. Thanks in advance to EVERYONE for helping make hybrid successful and smooth! We truly appreciate your willingness to lend a helping hand!!!!

Here’s our week at a glance:

Monday, January 18th
Happy Birthday Cheri Grimaldi 🙂

Tuesday, January 19th
Hybrid (In-Person) Learning Begins
Aimsweb Benchmarking (During RR times)

Wednesday, January 20th
CPT Meetings
ALL Staff Work Remotely

Thursday, January 21st

Friday, January 22nd
Happy Birthday Michelle Morgan

Week 20: 01/11/21 – 01/15/21

I saw the above post from Jen Jones on social media and would like to share her caption below, as it resonates after last week’s events in our country and I could not have said it any better:

“If you’re a teacher that hasn’t talked about the recent events in our country with your students, if you have carried on your lesson plans or class as business as usual, talked about oral things, done normal things, and have searched or are still searching for ‘the right thing to say’ consider these simple words that @mish1231 said to her students:


Then stop and wait for nods, and watch the flood gates open.

When we as teachers just open that space for them to talk and tell us how they’re feeling, we validate for ourselves and our students that our mixed-up and confusing feelings matter. And sends the message, something we always want our students to know, because we always want our students to know that our class is a safe place to talk about things we hear, read and see happening around us.

It’s a crazy time, it’s a crazy time to be a teacher, there are so many things that we never thought we would ever have to teach about that we’re having to teach about. We are learning along with our students how to address that and do the right thing for them.

On my page, I try to bring to you what you need, when you need it, and in hard times like these, bringing you picture books and honest words that help us with these conversations, resources and strategies I’ve shared on my story to help guide us all, to see the light over dark, the good over evil, the joy over pain and to realize that teachers and students are experiencing worry, anxiety, sadness, and during a global pandemic, that it’s okay to feel those feelings and that it’s okay to talk about it.

Children are so extremely smart, sensitive, trusting, and more capable than they often get credit for. They can do great things, have complex feelings, and make significant contributions to the families and communities in which they belong. By creating, and allowing and giving them safe places and opening in our days with them to talk, share, learn, grow and begin this greatness together is one of the most important ways that we as teachers can have the greatest positive influence on our students because we are ALL influencers — especially to the 20 something little ones learning from us everyday. While children are the future….the real change agents for a better world, teachers, play a huge role in shaping how far they go.

I am incredibly proud of all teachers right now….you are doing amazing things, teaching virtually and six feet apart and relentlessly cultivating classroom community, having hard conversations, dealing with tough topics, and your students are so incredibly blessed to be in your class!”

**Please know that our SLT will be meeting this week and compiling resources that may be helpful so our schoolhouse can have a bank of common resources we can use during SELs.

Here’s our week at a glance:

Monday, January 11th
Staff Back in Building – Hybrid Schedule

Tuesday, January 12th
Faculty Meeting @ 2:45pm

Wednesday, January 13th
*All Staff Work Remotely*
CPT Meetings

Thursday, January 14th
SLT Meeting @ 2:45pm

Friday, January 15th
Happy Birthday Ami Freeman 🙂

(01/17) Hapy Birthday Cheri Grimaldi 🙂

01/18 – NO SCHOOL (MLK Jr. Day)
01/19 – K-8 Students Return for Hybrid

Week 19: 01/04/21 – 01/08/21

Happy New Year and Welcome Back! I hope you enjoyed a restful, relaxing break–time to disconnect from work thoughts, time to enjoy family and friends and to just enjoy time to relax. I’m hopeful this time disconnecting has been just what you needed!

I know our students will be SO EXCITED to “see” you all on Wednesday morning on Zoom!

Here’s our 3-day week at a glance:

Monday, January 4th
Winter Break

Tuesday, January 5th
Winter Break

Wednesday, January 6th
E-Learning Resumes
Happy Birthday Mayra Tellez

Thursday, January 7th

Friday, January 8th

Check out this 2021 Kindness Calendar below (click the image for the file):

Week 18: 12/21 – 12/22

2 more days left before Winter Break! You can do it! You’ve taught virtually, in-person, and virtually again — you deserve this break more than most people know! We survived a semester of pandemic teaching. It was not easy. It was exhausting, trying, and frustrating; but we continued to do what we do best — showing up for our Kubbies and giving our best for our students and families. THANK YOU. I hope you know how much we appreciate you. You deserve all the love and appreciation in the world! Now try to look at this graphic below and NOT sing-along…..I dare you!

Here’s our week at a glance:

Monday, December 21st
*Festive Days continue! WINTER WONDERLAND (Dress in all white or like a snowman)

Tuesday, December 22nd
COZY UP & READ: Wear your pajamas and enjoy a fun-filled day before Winter Break!

*When you end your Zoom call on Tuesday, hold your head up high! You’re walking away from a semester like no other. You recreated learning opportunities & engaged in a type of teaching that didn’t exist to us 6 months ago! We are SO proud of you! Have a wonderful, safe, Winter Break making new memories with those you love! Here’s to 2021!

Week 17: 12/14/20 – 12/18/20

Here’s our week at a glance:

Monday, December 14th

Tuesday, December 15th

Wednesday, December 16th
Happy Birthday Sue O’Connell 🙂
CPT Meetings
Board of Education Meeting @ 7pm

Thursday, December 17th

Friday, December 18th
Happy Birthday Kim Sendelbach 🙂

Ideas/Blog Posts Worth Checking Out:

Finding Balance in Today’s Classroom via Eric Sheninger

12 Learning Strategies and their EdTech Tools via Tech Notes

5 Ways You Can Use Flipgrid’s New Mic Only Feature

19 Honest Holiday Cards for Teacher via WE ARE TEACHERS

Tips Tricks and Tech Tidbits – Part 8 via Tech Notes

Week 16: 12/07/20 – 12/11/20

Thank you for all you continue to do to connect with your students via Zoom. Despite its challenges and the things that are out of our control, we continue to be amazed by the engaging learning experiences you are planning and implementing! Thank you for welcoming us into your “Zoom classrooms” — we always enjoy seeing you and our Kennedy Kubbies. These next couple of weeks can be a motivating time of the year. Be sure to take time to weave in fun, exciting learning opportunities for your students!

Although we are tired and looking forward to a much-needed break ourselves, thank you for keeping an eye on your students who may be acting out, or tuning-out more than usual. We give them structure and routine. We give them a break. We give them encouragement. Donna and I are a text away and are happy to join a breakout room to help support any Kubbies who may need some extra love or encouragement. For some, this may not be their favorite time of the year. Please let Donna & I know if there are things we can do to support any learning activities in the coming week(s), and as always, please invite us (and Dr. B) to join in the fun!

But I can assure you…… YOU are a constant in their life, and what you do everyday MATTERS. Thank you for all your hard work and dedication…..especially this year. We are THANKFUL for each one of you and look forward to being together again as a school community in the new year.

Here’s our week at a glance:

Monday, December 7th
Happy Birthday Dr. B! 🙂

Tuesday, December 8th
Happy Birthday Cindy DeRose 🙂

Wednesday, December 9th

Thursday, December 10th

Friday, December 11th
5 by Friday! Continue making those positive connections with families!
D81 Disney Sing-Along Deadline

(Happy Wedding Weekend, Heather Longo)

Week 15: 11/30/20 – 12/04/20

Welcome Back! 

I hope you enjoyed your Thanksgiving Break, spending time with family, friends & those you love — it may have looked different this year, but nonetheless I hope you were able to express gratitude. Now we move to the month of December, full of learning, fun, and special events…and a holiday break to enjoy in just 3 short weeks (and 2 days)! We have lots to do with our kids from now until December 22nd, and look forward to their growth when they return in January.

Be proud of what we’ve accomplished with our students so far this year — what an exceptional year it has been! You all continue to amaze us with your perseverance and innovation as you embrace changes and demonstrate flexibility and resilience and do EVERYTHING YOU CAN to make learning engaging and meaningful – despite taking place via Zoom. As we return from a restful Thanksgiving Break, I’d encourage you to focus on some self-care:

Here’s our week at a glance:

Monday, November 30th
E-Learning Resumes – Welcome Back Kubbies!
Happy Birthday Barbara Zawadzka 🙂

Tuesday, December 1st

Wednesday, December 2nd
Happy Birthday Lizbeth Hohmeier
Happy Birthday Lynette Aguirre
CPT Meetings

Thursday, December 3rd

Friday, December 4th
Happy Birthday Michelle Miro
5 by Friday! Have you made 5 positive connections with your families this week?

(12/05) Happy Birthday Becky Zora

Blog Posts Worth Reading:

Overcoming Engagement Hurdles with Remote Learners via Eric Sheninger

Connecting Students in a Disconnected World via Cult of Pedagogy

7 Morning Routines for Teachers via WeAreTeachers

Week 13: 11/09/20 – 11/13/20

It’s that time of the year…..Fall Parent/Teacher Conference Week
Goal: Strengthen the home-school relationship! 

You and the parents are both there to help create the best possible outcomes for the student 🙂

While the format is different this year, our goal is still the same! We all want to understand each student’s unique needs, skills and personality to help that child learn and grow the best we can. 

It’s important that parents know that we see and notice small things in their children (even virtually) — every positive is worth noticing and celebrating! Sharing positives with parents makes a huge impact on building strong relationships.

**Allow some extra time for tech issues! 
This is the first time parents are doing conferences online, too! 
Give a little wiggle room to deal with technical difficulties, especially for parents who don’t regularly use Zoom  themselves.
***Don’t waste too much time trying to resolve technical issues. If you need to fall back on a regular PHONE CONFERENCE this time around, that’s okay! 

Try to gather information that will be helpful to you:

What concerns or issues do you think your child is experiencing with school?
What successes have you noticed your child has experienced this year?
What do you see as your child’s strengths and weaknesses?
Do you have any specificity questions or topics you’d like to discuss?
In what areas do you need support at home from me?

Virtual Conferences will be different — but the goal is to give parents important information about the whole student, gather feedback from parents & create solutions together! 

Feel free to invite an admin (just like in-person conferences) to be present for a potentially difficult virtual conference. Donna and I are here to support you!

*Do share AND ask about students’ social and emotional wellbeing
*Remind parents and caregivers of school expectations (how to be a great remote learner)
*Inquire how it’s going from their perspective
*Highlight student work by screen sharing on Zoom ! 
*Offer suggestions, but don’t forget to be equally understanding, patient and encouraging. We may not know all of the struggles that families have been going through (job loss, illness, working from home while trying to help their kids with school, etc). Now more than ever, teachers & families are working as a team.

*Just like you would follow up after a conference (regarding something that was discussed, or a suggestion), follow up with an email, a text or a phone call to the parent — revisiting something specific you discussed in the conference. It shows your commitment to that child’s growth and development! 

Let’s make sure we make the most of Conference Week to learn and share to best help our Kubbies!

Here’s our week at a glance:

Monday, November 9th

Tuesday, November 10th

Wednesday, November 11th
Happy Birthday Julie Fister 🙂

Thursday, November 12th

Friday, November 13th
Happy Birthday Stephanie Polakowski 🙂
NO SCHOOL – Full Day Parent/Teacher Conferences

(11/15) Happy Birthday Sandy Montes De Oca 🙂

Week 12: 11/02/20 – 11/06/20


Thank you for your incredible flexibility and professionalism, as you shifted to full remote while our district executes an Adaptive Pause. The transition was seamless and your students did a wonderful job adjusting to the change. We appreciate YOUR flexibility as you continue to accept the changes and adapt as things evolve this school year. We are grateful for your attitude and positive outlook. Thank you for making the best out of situations, when life hands you LEMONS….and seeing them as a great opportunity to do amazing things!

Here’s our week at a glance:

Monday, November 2nd

Tuesday, November 3rd
Election Day – No School

Wednesday, November 4th
Institute Day – *All Staff Remote – No E-Learning

Thursday, November 5th
Happy Birthday Giselle Alvarez 🙂
Happy Birthday Sandy Montes de Oca 🙂

Friday, November 6th
Finalize Parent/Teacher Conference Schedule by today!


Week 11: 10/26/20 – 10/30/20

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Here’s our week at a glance:

Monday, October 26th
Red Ribbon Week: Rally in Red Against Unhealthy Choices & Bullying (Wear Red)

Tuesday, October 27th
Red Ribbon Week: I’m too Bright for Unhealthy Choices (Wear Bright Colors/Neon)
Mentor Meeting @ 4:00pm

Wednesday, October 28th
SD81 shifts to Remote Learning for All students
Red Ribbon Week: Kubbies Are Buddies (Wear Kubbie Gear)
CPT Meetings

Thursday, October 29th
Red Ribbon Week: Vote to Have a Healthy Future (Wear Red, White, Blue)

Friday, October 30th
Say BOO to Drugs & Bullying (Wear Orange & Black)

Blog Post Worth Reading:
Helping Students Navigate the COVID Reading Slump via Pernille Ripp

Letter to a Stressed Teacher in 2020 via Danny Steele (read below)

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Teacher Friend,

You’re stressed.  I know you are.

I’m a principal, and it’s easy for me to say, “Hang in there — thanks for all you do!”  But I want you to know exactly what it is that I’m thankful for.

Last spring was a whirlwind.  I’m sorry that so many of you didn’t really get to say goodbye to your students.  You invested into their lives all year, and then the rug was ripped out from underneath you.  That hurts.

I’m sorry about the anxiety you experienced all summer, not knowing what your job would look like in the new year — not knowing if all your students were ok.
Your school year may have started late; you may not have had all your students in your room.  You probably had to learn new ways of delivering instruction.  You had to learn new technology… and that technology didn’t always work!  You had to rearrange your classroom!  And it’s hard to teach with masks.  It’s not easy to connect with students when you can barely see their faces, or in many cases, they’re not even in your room.  You became a teacher because you want to build relationships with students, and it’s never been so hard.  However your school year began, I know it wasn’t normal… and it was ridiculously challenging.
You love being a teacher, but you are worried about your health.  You are worried about the health of your students.  You are worried about the health of your own families.
But you push on.
Thank you for taking time to prepare meaningful lessons… even when you feel yourself dragging.

Thank you you for providing encouragement and support to your colleagues when they’re down.

Thank you for being kind to your students… and for realizing that may be the only kindness they experience all day.

Thank you for working to motivate your apathetic students.  Sometimes your efforts don’t seem to make a difference. But you keep trying… because that’s what teachers do.

Thank you for your willingness to learn new ideas from your colleagues.  I admire your commitment to being a better teacher tomorrow than you were today.

Thank you for trying to connect with students who don’t seem reachable… because you realize you may be their only lifeline.

Thank you for making all those phone calls (and sending all those Remind messages)

Thank you for your patience with the students who may be disruptive and annoying… because you know that those students still need you.

Thank you for working to ensure your students have a brighter future.
Thank you for being the kind of teacher that you would want your own kids to have.

I know you’re tired, and you have a right to be.  I’m sorry that we just put another kid in your class… making it even harder to socially distance.  I’m sorry we just asked you to fill out another form.  In spite of the challenges, you maintain your passion for kids; you hold on to your commitment to making a difference.  I never take that for granted.

You’re stressed… but you push on.

To me… that makes you awesome… and I appreciate you.