Week 8: 10/10/22 – 10/14/22

I hope you had a wonderful 3-day weekend and enjoyed this beautiful October weather with your family & friends!

**Reminder: Please let me know if you’re able/interested in helping with the after-school tutoring program ASAP, as the number of students we are able to offer this tutoring opportunity to depends on the number of staff who are interested 🙂 If you have any questions about this, please let me know!

Here’s our week at a glance:

Monday, October 10th

Tuesday, October 11th
NO faculty meeting.

Wednesday, October 12th
CPT Meetings

Thursday, October 13th
Pre School Field Trip to Johansen Farms
Kennedy Singers (2:30pm – 3:00pm)
TWD @ Moretti’s (3:15pm)

Friday, October 14th
5 by Friday! Continue making positive connections with families! 🙂
Physicals/Immunization Records due (Medical Exclusion Day is October 15th) – Jeanne will email you the names of any students who will be excluded from school on Monday, October 17th who are not in compliance.

Interesting in hosting a trunk? Please let Jenny Thorn know by Friday!
Interested in helping out with the event (selling concessions?) Please let Melissa know by Friday!

(10/15) Happy Birthday Rose Karas & Kirby Meza
(10/16) Happy Birthday Rosa Worwa

Week 7: 10/03/22 – 10/07/22

Here’s our week at a glance:

Monday, October 3rd
Motivational Monday
New Teacher Meeting @ 2:50pm (Room C105)
Joe Vance (from Equitable Advisors) will be in Teacher’s Lounge during lunch periods today. *See Kennedy Calendar invite for his flyer.
Happy Birthday, Bri Phillips 🙂
Happy Birthday, Mary Navas 🙂 *and congratulations on your wedding this past weekend!

Tuesday, October 4th

Wednesday, October 5th
TAPS during CPT

Thursday, October 6th
Kennedy Singers (2:30pm-3:00pm)

Friday, October 7th
5 by Friday! Make 5 positive connections by Friday!

(10/09) Happy Birthday, Mandy Vanderwaal & Stephanie Moreno 🙂
(10/10) NO SCHOOL

Week 6: 09/26/22 – 09/30/22

I don’t think anyone knows the meaning of the phrase “Only so many minutes in a day!” better than someone in education.  There is always something waiting for us. Meetings. Papers. Calls to make. Email to answer. Things to file. Things to look up. Lessons to plan. Committees. Grad classes. Tech tools to figure out. Family. Commitments. PD.   There may be days when we are stretched to the limit, feeling more like some human version of Stretch Armstrong with our arms pulled in different directions, about to break off.   But, at the end of the day, it’s true.  The things that matter?  We make time for them.   Those people that say,  ”Oh, I don’t have time for that…”  Is this an insinuation that some of us just have more time than others?   Time is not something we just ‘have,’ it’s something we make.  It’s something we make when things matter to us. Children matter to us. Remember….what you do each and everyday at Kennedy School is in the best interest of the children we serve.

Here’s our week at a glance:

Monday, September 26th
Motivational Monday!
New Teacher Meeting @ 2:50pm (B106)

Tuesday, September 27th
1st SIP Committee Meeting @ 2:50pm <–click for your committee’s location

Wednesday, September 28th
Happy Birthday Gina Cacioppo 🙂

Thursday, September 29th
SLT @ 2:50pm (B101)

Friday, September 30th
5 by Friday! Continue making those positive connections with families!
Fall Picture Day <–schedule linked (in gym)

Week 5: 09/19/22 – 09/23/22

Here’s our week at a glance:

Monday, September 19th
Dentist Visit (9:00am-2:15pm) in PATS Space
New Teacher Meeting @ 2:50pm (Room D201)

Tuesday, September 20th
Happy Birthday Michelle McMorrow 🙂
Faculty Meeting @ 2:50pm (Upstairs Presentation Space)

Wednesday, September 21st
Half-Day of School (AM PreK Dismisses at 10:35, K-3 dismisses at 10:55, No PM PreK)
SIP Day Meetings (Agenda will be emailed out)
Building Tour @ 9:00am
Board Meeting @ 7:00pm (Lincoln Little Theater)

Thursday, September 22nd
Dentist Visit (9:00am-2:15pm) in PATS Space
TWD @ 3:05pm

Friday, September 23rd
Happy Birthday Amanda Quinlan 🙂
5 by Friday! Make 5 positive, intentional connections with families!

(09/25) Happy Birthday Marta Ocon 🙂

Looking Ahead:
Motivational Mondays starts 9/26 (wear a t-shirt with a positive/motivational message on it every Monday)

Fall Picture Day: Friday, September 30th (Info coming soon via email)

Week 4: 09/12/22 – 09/16/22

Here’s our week at a glance:

Monday, September 12th
Happy Birthday Alexis Makaris 🙂
Reading Room Starts!
Book Checkout in Library Starts!
RTI Committee Meeting (Tech Space) @ 2:30pm
New Teacher Meeting (Room C103) @ 2:50pm

Tuesday, September 13th
Kennedy Evacuation Drill @ 9:15am
New Teacher/Mentor Meeting @ 4:00pm (Upstairs Presentation Space)

Wednesday, September 14th
CPT Meetings

Thursday, September 15th
SLT Meeting @ 2:50pm

Friday, September 16th
Happy Birthday Jody Horan (Orange Bus Driver)
Kennedy Code Red Drill
5 Positive Connections by Friday ….

Resource to Check Out…..
Mind Yeti <—Nancy Weir shared this awesome resource


Why Choose Mind Yeti?

Thousands of parents, teachers, and counselors use Mind Yeti to help kids calm down, focus their attention, and get ready for whatever’s next.

Mind Yeti is a library of research-based guided mindfulness sessions that help kids and their adults calm their minds, focus their attention, and connect to the world around them.

Here are videos on YouTube to check out!

Looking Ahead…..
September 19th-20th: Dentist Visits
September 21st: 1/2 Day of School (School Improvement Day)

Week 3: 09/05/22 – 09/09/22

Thank you for opening up your classrooms to our Kennedy Kubbies and setting the tone for a culture of caring. It’s wonderful to observe classrooms where teachers and students care about learning, each other, and our community. Remember, the first weeks of school set the tone for the entire year. If our students leave school feeling excited about themselves as learners & about you as their teacher, then you’re doing something right! Always remember that our students will meet ANY expectation we set for them, as long as we are firm, fair, and consistent with these expectations and build relationships with our students so that they will want to meet them. The best way to accomplish this positive relationship-building with our students is simply caring deeply about them as learners and as little people–and taking the time to get to know them, in addition to showing them just how much you care.

“What makes a good school has very little to do with how rich or poor the students are, or the type of curriculum that’s taught. It has very little to do with the special programs, expansive playing fields, snappy uniforms, or whether the school is wired to the Internet. What makes a good school, whether it’s public or private, religious or nonreligious, charter or non-charter, is a feeling. A feeling shared by the entire staff that their particular school is special. The feeling that their school really belongs to them.” (Manna, 1999).

At Kennedy School, each member of our team has a distinctive character that cares deeply about each and every one of our Kennedy Kubbies. Your unique attributes and talents contribute to the feeling people get when they enter this building. As a result, our children will remember you long after they leave Kennedy.

“Schools are not buildings, curriculums, and machines. Schools are relationships and interactions among people.”

Here’s our 4-day week at a glance:

Monday, September 5th

Tuesday, September 6th
Kindergarten Color Days Begin – Red Day
New Teacher Meeting @ 2:50pm (Room D209)

Wednesday, September 7th
Orange Day
CPT Meetings

Thursday, September 8th
Yellow Day
Kennedy Curriculum Night (6:00pm – 7:30pm)

Friday, September 9th
Green Day
5 by Friday! Make 5 positive connections by the end of this week!
More Positive Postcards are in the main office 🙂

(09/10) Washington School Open House

Week 2: 08/29/22 – 09/02/22

The first week of the 22-23 school year is behind you! Well, technically the first 3 days with students.Thank you for your patience, grace, understanding, flexibility, and perseverance.Thank you for making connections with your students, making sure they feel safe, loved, and wanting to come back each day.Thank you for supporting your families, and easing their worries! Thank you for being kind to one another. We are all in this together, and the only way we’ll get through this is by supporting one another. Thank you for all you’ve done to help your colleagues and support one another.

As I shared last Tuesday in the opening day presentation, this year we will LEARN, GROW, and WIN together. Donna and I believe in each and every one of you and know you are exactly where you are meant to be…! Please know that you are valued and appreciated. Each day, you have the opportunity to make a positive impact on your Kubbies. Thank you for treating them with love, modeling flexibility, challenging them to be thinkers and problem-solvers, and nurturing their growth as students & little humans. Just like Ted Lasso said, “Success is not about the wins and losses. It’s about helping these young fellas become the best version of themselves, on and off the field.” Let’s continue working together to help our Kubbies become the best version of themselves in and out of the classroom!

Here’s our week at a glance:

Monday, August 29th
Starting Week 2!
First Day of Pre School (All Hands on Deck to help with Arrival and Dismissal)
8:30am-11:00am / 12:15pm – 2:45pm
New Teacher Meeting @ 2:50pm (Room B111)
Aimsweb Benchmarking Starts Today (During your RR Hour)

Tuesday, August 30th
Faculty Meeting @ 2:50pm (Upstairs Presentation Space)
Crisis Go Training (Bring your cell phone with you — be sure to download the Crisis Go App before the meeting)

Wednesday, August 31st
CPT Meetings –

Thursday, September 1st

Friday, September 2nd
5 by Friday!
Bus Evacuation Drill <—make sure every homebase is signed up!

Happy Friday! It’s a 3-day weekend! **Surprise in the Lounge for you**

Here’s the 2022-2023 Calendar for your Reference:
SD81 Calendar at a Glance 2022-2023 Calendar

(09/05) – NO SCHOOL/Labor Day

Week 37: 05/30/22 – 06/03/22

The end of the school year brings a wonderful opportunity for reflection. Please reflect on the following questions as we head into our final 5 days with students….

  1. What did I do well this year?
    2. Where do I need to grow?
    3. What things will I challenge myself with next year?
    4. How will all of these answers impact the learners I serve?

Remember …. in these last days with your students….. take the time to tell your students what they mean to you! Have lunch together….ask each student to share their favorite memory. Share YOUR favorite memories with your class. Send a Kennedy Kubbie positive postcard and put it in the mail on the last day of school to wish them a great summer! Enjoy your last days….. it’s the happiest and saddest time, all in one. So while you’re crossing off those final items from your end-of-year TO DO list, remember to enjoy your final time together & make your end of the year count!

Keep in mind, the end of the year is not always happy for some of our students, whose only security and love comes from US. Thank you in advance for loving the students and reassuring them that we love them and can’t wait to see them again soon!

For those of you moving on to new adventures, remember that you’re only as good as your last exit…and for those of us returning, know that students remember the educators that we are the last week(s) of school — so let’s make sure they remember the best of what we have to offer! Finish strong and wrap up the year with a beautiful bow! Have a wonderful week….and remember to be great for our Kubbies and each other.

Here’s our week at a glance:

Monday, May 30th
NO SCHOOL – Memorial Day

Tuesday, May 31st
V – Video Day
3rd Grade Fly Up Day to Washington School (9-10am)
K-2 Fly Up Presentation (1:30-2:00pm)
Last Full Day of School for Kindergarten Students
8th Grade Graduations @ LMS (evening)

Wednesday, June 1st
W – Walk Day
Kindergarten Graduations in Kinder Project Space
*Please avoid using this hallway with your class that day!
CPT Meetings

Thursday, June 2nd
X – eXchange Autographs/Yearbook Signing
Last Day of School for PreK Students
DARE Graduations @ Washington School

Friday, June 3rd
Y – YODA best (Star Wars/Baby Yoda Day)
Happy Birthday, Lauren Seren 🙂
PreK Screenings

Week 36: 05/23/22 – 05/27/22

You’ve almost reached the end of the 2021-2022 school year!

We have so much to be grateful for! The students have come so far!

We are here. May 23rd, 2022.
2 more weeks of school with this group of amazing Kubbies.
And here you are.

Let’s keep going! We’ve got this!

Here’s our week at a glance:

Monday, May 23rd
Book Fair – Browse Day
Q – Quiet Day

Tuesday, May 24th
Book Fair – Browse Day
R – Relax and Read Day

Wednesday, May 25th
Book Fair – Buy Day
S – Sunglasses & Sandals Day
Support Staff Breakfast in the Lounge @ 7:30am
2nd/3rd TAPS Check-In

Thursday, May 26th
Book Fair – Buy Day
T- Tie Dye Day
3rd Grade Virtual Dinosaur Fair

Friday, May 27th
U – Wear Your Field Day Uniform Shirt
PreK Parent/Student Workshops


-Schedule your Spring MAP data meetings with your admin
-TENURED TEACHERS: Schedule your summative meeting with your admin

Week 35: 05/16/22 – 05/20/22

Here’s our week at a glance:

Monday, May 16th
Benchmarking & MAP Testing Begins
“L” – Letter Day

Tuesday, May 17th
“M” – Music Day

Wednesday, May 18th
“N” – Neon Day
K/1 TAPS Check-In
Spirit Committee Meeting @ 2:45pm (1st Grade Project Space)
Board Meeting @ 7pm (Recognizing Newly Tenured Teachers)

Thursday, May 19th
“O” – Outside Day
Retirement Party @ 4:00pm

Friday, May 20th
“P” – Pajama Day

*Next Week: Scholastic Book Fair!