Week 4: 09/03/12 – 09/07/12

*From Venspired by Krissy Venosdale:

It’s easy to get caught up in the day to day. The details. The little things. The stuff that doesn’t matter. Today I read a post by Diane Ravitch, “Neil Armstrong Thanked His Teacher” and was struck by the words. “They will remember you.” I can remember so many vivid details about teachers I have had. I just don’t remember their classrooms, I remember who they are as people.

They will remember you. Your words. Your actions. Your accomplishments. Your struggles. Your conversations. Your passions. Your crazy hair after a windy day on the playground. Your favorite sweater. Your favorite snack. Your time together.

Even when they grow up and get ready to walk on the moon.

They will remember you.

Here’s our week at a glance:

Monday, September 3rd:
NO SCHOOL: Labor Day

Tuesday, September 4th:
SLBC to Super Low
RtI Committee Meeting @ 2:30pm (Room 118)

Wednesday, September 5th:
Common Plan

Thursday, September 6th:
SLT Meeting @ 3:00pm

Friday, September 7th:
5 by Friday ๐Ÿ™‚

(09/08) Happy Birthday Bailey Stenzel ๐Ÿ™‚

Here are some Curriculum Night ideas I found on Pinterest:

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Week 3: 08/27/12 – 08/31/12

When the school year starts, lots of eager (sometimes nervous) little faces come through our doors. They are ours to love on, mold, and guide for a short window of time. We are the ‘receivers’. If you have school-aged children of your own, then you know what it is like to be a ‘sender’. As nervous as those little faces are, the faces left at home are much more nervous! Sure, some may do a happy dance as they wave good-bye to the big yellow bus and say hello to some child-free alone time, but they are also hoping that the person on the receiving end is going to appreciate their little loves (quirks and all) as much as they do.

Kelle Hampton has a fabulous blog that I, like many, discovered when her candid post about the birth of her daughter Nella went viral. This past week she posted about sending her oldest off to Kindergarten. As teachers, it’s important to be aware of where our little ones are coming from and keep in mind the trust that parents must place in us! Please take a moment to read this blog post entitled: The Night Before Kindergarten.

Here’s our week at a glance:

Monday, August 27th:
MAP Testing Begins (in faculty lounge) *click here for schedule*
SEL Committee Meeting @ 3:15pm (Room 103)

Tuesday, August 28th:
Faculty Meeting @ 2:30pm <—click for agenda

Wednesday, August 29th:
Curriculum Common Plan
Happy Birthday Audrey Tillack ๐Ÿ™‚ย 

Thursday, August 30th:
Evacuation Drill @ 9:30am
RTI Committee Meeting @ 2:30pm (Room 118)

Friday, August 31st:
5 by Friday: Let’s send out 5 positive postcards ๐Ÿ™‚
(extras can be found in the office)

*Here’s a great article on The Power of Positive Connections with Families

(08/31) Happy Birthday Marisha Jaroszkiewicz ๐Ÿ™‚
(09/01) Happy Birthday Rosa Andreuccetti ๐Ÿ™‚
(09/04) NO SCHOOL: Labor Dayย 

Week 2: 08/20/12 – 08/24/12

As we prepare for our first full week with the students, I hope you will take a few quiet moments to put aside lesson planning, forget about administrative tasks and consider our purpose (as a school, and as individual educators). When we walk in on Monday morning, please remember that you are a difference maker! The small gestures you make to welcome students and show an interest in their lives will have an impact. This year, you will have opportunities to build confidence where it hasn’t existed, develop connections that have never been present, and generate hope with your students.ย Our classrooms are filled with individuals with a variety of needs, and it’s up to US to make sure they thrive! The only way for that to happen is to build a connection with each student. When we truly know them all as individuals, we can understand them as learners.

Here’s our week at a glance:

Monday, August 20th:
First day of Pre School!
AIMSweb Fall Benchmarking begins!
Happy Birthday Melissa Ortiz ๐Ÿ™‚ย 

Tuesday, August 21st:
Bus Evacuation Drills <—-Click to see schedule of when your class will go!
PEP Event @ 6:00pm-7:30pm @ LMS

Wednesday, August 22nd:
Common Plan: Team Leaders will distribute agenda via First Class

Thursday, August 23rd:
SLT Meeting @ 3:00pm

Friday, August 24th:
All classroom teachers: Bring 1 student laptop & charger (the one with a star sticker) to faculty lounge after school

Welcome to the 2012-2013 school year!

Welcome to the start of the 2012-2013 school year! Let’s make it the best year yet! ๐Ÿ™‚

Remember, every parent wants their child to feel fully known, fully understood & fully loved. If we can do this for ALL students, then we will be the best school in the country!

Parents are hoping you will find the uniqueness and light in their child. Don’t give up until you discover it for each of your students!

Finally, please collaborate & be kind with one another. I truly believe you are here at Kennedy because you are the best in your field, or have the potential to be the best in your field. Learn and share with each other.

Let’s make this the best year ever!

Here is the Apple recruiting video in case you wanted to watch it:

Welcome to Kennedy School!ย 

Week 37: 05/21/12 – 05/25/12

“A key characteristic of effective teachers & leaders: they learn….about themselves, about others, and about their job.”
-Garry Puetzย 

WOW! It is hard to believe that we have reached the point in the school year where we only have one Friday remaining! We’ve had an awesome year of teaching & learning thus far, and I want to thank each and every staff member for the friendship and support you have shown me in my first year as principal at Kennedy.

It’s THAT time of the year…..in the middle of packing away materials, finishing report cards and last minute projects, there is one part of the year that is so bittersweet…..the good-byes! Remember to take time to tell your students what they mean to you this week. Have lunch in the classroom or outside, one final time. Ask each student to share their favorite memory. Share your favorite memories with your class. Send a Kennedy Kubbie positive postcard to every student and put it in the mail on the last day of school to wish them a great summer! ENJOY IT! It’s the happiest & saddest time all in one. Things will never be the same. You’ll never have another group JUST like them. So, while you’re counting down the last 5 days and trying to cross off those final items from your to-do list, remember to enjoy your final time together & make your end of the year count!
*from Venspired

Here’s our final week at a glance for the 2011-2012 school year!

Monday, May 21st:
Pass out yearbooks today! ๐Ÿ™‚
ZOO Field Trip: 1st Grade & Rooms 103/107
SLC Swimming
3rd Grade Trip to Washington School 9:15am-11:15am
Retirement/25 yrs of service Celebration @ Great Escape (4:00pm)

Tuesday, May 22nd:
Pre School Celebrations/Graduations
ZOO Field Trip: 3rd Grade
Kindergarten Graduation Rehearsals @ 9:30am & 12:00pm (gym)
Faculty Meeting @ 2:30pm
8th Grade Graduation @ 7:00pm

Wednesday, May 23rd:
Kindergarten Graduation @ 9:00am (Rooms 129, 131, 132)
Kindergarten Graduation @ 11:00am (Rooms 127, 128, 130)
Common Plan (Assessment & End of the Year Records)

Thursday, May 24th:
3rd Grade Picnic
Common Core Committee Meeting @ 2:30pm
PATS Field Trip to Navy Pier/Children’s Museum @ 3:45pm

Friday, May 25th:
Last Day of School (1 hour long: Students dismiss at 8:55am)
End of the Year Check-Out with Donna/Melissa ย *click here for checklist*
LUNCH @ RAM (See email in Kennedy Conference from Celebrations Committee for Last Day Lunch)

Week 36: 05/14/12 – 05/18/12

Do you want to have an EXRAORDINARY day this week?
Don’t wait for it to happen to you….Make it happen!

Here’s our (2nd to last) week (of the 2011-2013 school year) at a glance:

Monday, May 14th:
Cycle 6 Assessments This Week *scantrons in mailboxes*
Certified Staff: Please complete the KEYS SURVEY by the end of the day ย www.keysonline.org
PreK/PATS Field Trip to Brookfield Zoo

Tuesday, May 15th:
Community Outreach Committee Meeting @ 7:20am (Room 206)
Kindergarten Zoo Field Trip
Pre-K Field Day/Picnic (Kennedy Field)
2nd Grade Picnic @ North Park
Vision Committee Meeting @ 2:30pm (Room 132)
Multicultural Committee Meeting @ 2:30pm (Room 118)
Mentor Celebration @ 3:45pm

Wednesday, May 16th:
Happy Birthday Rebecka Mirandola ๐Ÿ™‚ย 
Kindergarten to Washington School for Buddies Activity
1/2 Day *click here for agenda*
Support Staff Luncheon
DLT Meeting @ 3:45pm
Board Meeting @ 7:00pm

Thursday, May 17th:
2nd Grade & Rms 101/109 Zoo Field Trip
1st Grade Picnic @ North Park
Multiage Class Building @ 3:00pm (Room 103)
3rd Grade Dinosaur Fair @ 6:30pm

Friday, May 18th:
Parent Volunteer Breakfast 8:15am-8:45am (Cafeteria)
**Info about classroom coverage will be emailed out later this week**
Last Spirit Assembly! (Trustworthiness)
Multiage Picnic @ North Park
Buddy Activity (conference room)

**As the last day of school is approaching, it’s very tempting to hit the “cruise control” button. Let’s make a commitment to finish the year as strong as we started & not hit the cruise control button…..our kids deserve better! Students will feed off our attitude and if we expect the best from them, then we must give them the best of us! ๐Ÿ™‚

Week 35: 05/07/12 – 05/11/12

This week is Teacher Appreciation Week! The entire week is about celebrating ALL OF YOU who influence the lives of our students. I certainly appreciate all the little things you do but what I appreciate the most is the safe, nurturing learning environments you create for our children. Our Kennedy Kubbies LOVE coming to school each day and know that each person cares about their well-being. It’s easy to love our Kennedy Kubbies — and many of them truly need us! We oftentimes play multiple roles in their lives as teacher, mentor, coach, friend, parent & advocate.Teaching is such a wonderful vocation. Many of us became teachers because of a teacher or teachers that had great influence over us at some point in our lives. I still remember MY favorite teacher, Mrs. Horn, and the impact she had on my life. Though we tried to keep in contact, we’ve lost touch, and I often wonder about how she is doing. Reflecting on the impact Mrs. Horn had on me in 4th grade has taught me that teachers are defined by their hearts, as well as their intellect. My wish for you is that years down the road, someone will think back on YOU and the meaning YOU added to their life.ย 

I hope you know how much I enjoy working with you and how proud I am to be your colleague. Thank you for all that you do here at Kennedy School. You are changing lives!

Here’s our week at a glance:

Monday, May 7th:
Teacher Appreciation Breakfast in Faculty Lounge @ 7:30am.
SLC Swimming
Celebrations Committee Meeting @ 2:30pm (Room 104)

Tuesday, May 8th:
Teacher Appreciation Luncheon in Faculty Lounge (10:30am-1:30pm)
Faculty Meeting @ 2:30pm
RTI Committee Meeting (immediately following Faculty Meeting in ROom 118)
Lincoln Band & Chorus Concert @ 7:00pm (LMS)

Wednesday, May 9th:
SLC/SLBC to Washington School for Outing
Transition Meetings @ Washington School from 8:15am-1:45pm
2nd Grade/Multiage Field Trip to Brunswick Bowling
TAPS Common Plan

Thursday, May 10th:
Memorial Day Dress Rehearsal @ LMS
Kindergarten Picnic @ North Park
Kennedy School Memorial Day Concerts @ LMS

Friday, May 11th:
FIELD DAY! <—click for schedule

(05/13) Happy Birthday Carrie Sipple ๐Ÿ™‚ย 

Certified Staff should complete the KEYS Survey by visiting www.keysonline.org
Then click, TAKE THE SURVEY at the top and enter our school’s zip code & select our school name. Please complete the KEYS Survey by Monday, May 14th ๐Ÿ™‚ Thank you!ย 

Week 34: 04/30/12 – 05/04/12

It’s hard to believe we will soon be in the month of May!
Here’s our week at a glance:

Monday, April 30th:
Kennedy Singers Dress Rehearsal @ LMS

Tuesday, May 1st:
Veterans Visiting Kennedy School <–click for schedule
District SPED Meeting @ 3:00pm (Washington Rm 114)

Wednesday, May 2nd:
Happy Birthday Abelardo Cano ๐Ÿ™‚
SLC to Brunswick Zone
Technology Common Plan
District 81 On-Site Registration (@ LMS from 3-7pm)
Wendy’s Night 5:00pm-8:00pm

Thursday, May 3rd:
Happy Birthday Molly McSorley ๐Ÿ™‚
SLT Meeting @ 2:30pm
Wedding, Engagement & Baby Showers @ 3:30pm (Cafeteria)
District 81 Choral Concert @ 7:00pm (LMS)

Friday, May 4th:
Happy Birthday Brian Linhart ๐Ÿ™‚
Happy Birthday Abby Ptak ๐Ÿ™‚
PreK Screening
Registration Deadline!
3rd Grade Field trip to Wrigley Field (Cubs vs. Dodgers)
*RSVPs for Volunteer Breakfast are due*: Teachers, if parents RSVP to you, please relay the message to our office ladies so they can mark it down! Thank you! ๐Ÿ™‚

Congratulations to Brooke on the birth of her baby: Grace, born on April 29th ๐Ÿ™‚
also….congratulations to Molly on her recent engagement!
We are so happy & proud of Juan from Room 117 who competed this weekend at Special Olympics & earned a bronze medal for the 50 meter run & a silver medal for the tennis ball throw! Take a moment to stop and congratulate him on his awesome efforts! ๐Ÿ™‚

Worth The Read:An article from a recent Educational Leadershipย issue (March 2012) that focuses on reading and the importance of teaching challenging text.
The Challenge of Challenging Text.

Week 33: 04/23/12 – 04/27/12

As we are entering the last part of the school year, here are 10 questions to think about:

1. What has been the most effective lesson of the year?
2. What topic generated the most interest from the students?
3. Who has been your greatest success story in class?
4. Who is in the most need of your help during the final part of the year?
5. What are you looking forward to the most from this point forward?
6. What new technique will you try again before the end of the year?
7. What is your progress on goals at this point?
8. Have your students had a chance to explore a topic of self-interest?
9. Do your students know how proud you are of them?
10. How can you begin, today, to explore the greater potential you have to make an impact on the lives of your students?

Here’s our week at a glance:

Monday, April 23rd:
MAP Testing Continues
SLC Swimming

Tuesday, April 24th:
3rd Grade Field Trip to The Field Museum
Faculty Meeting @ 2:30pm <—click for agenda
Reading/ELL Committee Meeting @ 3:00pm (Room 110)
Mentor Meeting @ 3:45pm (@ LMS)
New Kindergarten Student Information Night @ 6:00pm (cafeteria)

Wednesday, April 25th:
1/2 Day (Students dismiss at 10:55am)
11:00-12:00pm Lunch On Your Own
Reading/ELL Professional Development <—click for Agenda

Thursday, April 26th:
Kindergarten Field Trip to Morton Arboretum
Kennedy Singers @ 2:20pm
Technology Committee Meeting @ 2:30pm (Room 202)

Friday, April 27th:
Spirit Assembly (Fairness)

(04/29) Special Olympics Spring Games (Track & Field) Come see District 81 students participate in events from 10:30am-2:30pm @ North Central College in Naperville.ย 

Week 32: 04/16/12 – 04/20/12

The 3 L’s: Learn, Laugh & Love
(Gary Puetz)
Regardless of our age in life, to succeed, we must continually learn.

Successful people also laugh a lot. They laugh at themselves, and with others. Even at this time of the school year when everything seems so hectic, there are still many laughs heard throughout the hallways and classrooms at Kennedy. ๐Ÿ™‚

Finally, we need to love. We need to love what we do, love why we do it, and love who we do it with–our students & each other.

Thank you in advance for learning, laughing & loving each and every minute that we have remaining this school year with our students & with each other.

“Know less; Learn More…
Worry less; Laugh more…
Fear less; Love more…
….And all the good things are yours.”

Here’s our week at a glance:

Monday, April 16th:
Spring MAP Testing Beginsย  ย <–click for schedule

Tuesday, April 17th:
Happy Birthday Laura Brown ๐Ÿ™‚
Buddy Sub-Committee Meeting @ 7:30am (Room 109)
1st-3rd Grade to LMS to see Alice In Wonderland musical
WENDY’S NIGHT (5:00pm-8:00pm)

Wednesday, April 18th:
SLC to Target
SEL/”Catch Up On What Your Team Needs” Common Plan
PreK/PATS Spring Feast
Board Meeting @ 7:00pm (LMS)

Thursday, April 19th:
RTI Committee Meeting @ 2:30pm (Room 118)
Kennedy Singers @ 2:20pm

Friday, April 20th:
1st Grade Field Trip to Stahl Theater

(04/21) Happy Birthday Anna Kaminska (yellow bus)
(04/22) Earth Day

Click here for some Earth Day ideas from Pinterest:
So many cute ideas!
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