Week 13: 11/5/12 – 11/9/12

Here’s our week at a glance:

Monday, November 5th:
Happy Birthday Shannon O’Malley πŸ™‚
Kennedy Election DayΒ  <—-click for schedule
Here are some election day texts:

Tuesday, November 6th:
Teacher Inservice DayΒ <—click for agenda

Wednesday, November 7th:
Buddy Sub-Committee Meeting @ 7:20am (Room 109)
SLBC to Franklin Park Ice Arena
Assessment Common Plan
PreK/PATS Thanksgiving Feast (2:00pm-3:30pm)

Thursday, November 8th:
District Veterans Day Performance @ 6:30pm (LMS)

Friday, November 9th:
Happy Friday! 5 by Friday πŸ™‚ Keep making those positive connections with families!

Happy Birthday Julie Fister & Becky Shoufer πŸ™‚ (11/11)

Β Things to share:
*Having a hard time coming up with comments to share at conferences with parents? Here is a list of suggestions!!

*Here are some ideas from Pinterest for Parent/Teacher Conferences
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Week 12: 10/29/12 – 11/02/12

Here’s our week at a glance:

Monday, October 29th:
Cycle 2 Assessments This Week

Tuesday, October 30th:
RTI Committee Planning Meeting @ 2:30pm (Room 118)
Common Core Committee Meeting @ 2:45pm (Room 205)
*Please remember to bring the office ladies a list of the names of parents you anticipate coming to your classrooms on Halloween. Please STAR/indicate which parents have visited our building this year & have checked in with the Raptor system so we can pre-print their visitor badges*

Wednesday, October 31st:
Happy Halloween!
*AM PreK Parade @ 10:00am (around inside of school)
K-3 Lunch/Changing into costumes taking place in classrooms between 10:30am-11:50am
*K-3 Parade @ 12:00pm (outside; weather permitting)
*PM PreK Parade @ 1:20pm (around inside of school)
*If you are a Halloween Helper, please remember to report to your spot during the K-3 parade at noon (*refer to email sent in the Kennedy Conference on First Class)! Your help is greatly appreciated πŸ™‚
Remember it is early dismissal Wednesday!

Thursday, November 1st:
Celebrations Committee Meeting @ 2:30pm (Room 104)
SLT Meeting @ 3:00pm

Friday, November 2nd:
End of Trimester 2
3rd Grade Field Trip to East Leyden High School (Alice In Wonderland)

Here are some Halloween Ideas from Pinterest <—-click to see entire board.

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Storybook Pumpkins

The storybook pumpkins look AMAZING! The pumpkins are a perfect example of the wonderful, creative, imaginative work that can happen when great minds get together for a common cause. You showed tremendous teamwork and I am so proud of your efforts and creativity. The parents, students and teachers alike were amazed and in awe of everyone’s efforts and final products. NICE JOB!!!

Week 11: 10/22/12 – 10/26/12

Here’s a week at a glance:

Monday, October 22nd:
Fire FIghters VisitingΒ <–click for schedule

Tuesday, October 23rd:
PATS Field Trip to Cosley Zoo
Fire Fighters Visiting
Faculty MeetingΒ @ 2:30pm <—-click for agenda
Mentor Meeting @ 3:45pm

Wednesday, October 24th:
SLBC Outing to Jewel
Storybook Pumpkins Common Plan
Board Meeting @ 7:00pm

Thursday, October 25th:
Kennedy Carnival 6:00pm-7:30pm
HIP Ornaments due! Put all your ornaments in a large, black trash bag and drop off bag in Room 117.

Friday, October 26th:
Spirit Assembly (Teamwork)
Multiage Field Trip to Goebbert’s

*I pinned some neat Fire Safety activities from Pinterest, if you’d like to take a look.

Fire Safety ReflectionΒ <—-click for PDF

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Week 10: 10/15/12 – 10/19/12

My go-to blog, Venspired, coming through again this week with yet another inspiring message:

“That part of the school year. The one where your plate gets so full you don’t know what to tackle first. The one where you’re pulled in 86 different directions, buried in to-do lists, and you feel behind on everything. Your classroom. Your graduate classes. Your life. It’s tempting, desirable, even easy to just settle. But when you settle, you’ll miss something. You’ll never know what amazing thing your class might create. You’ll never know about that better way to assess, plan, integrate. You’ll never read that article that changes your perspective. You’ll never see that opportunity you missed. Yep, you could settle. Or, not. It’s really up to you!”

Here’s our week at a glance:

Monday, October 15th:
Medical Exclusion Day
Dentist Visits in Conference Room
Vision Committee Meeting @ 2:30pm (Room 127)
Compass Learning Meeting @ 2:45pm (Room 205)
Happy Birthday Rose Karas πŸ™‚

Tuesday, October 16th:
Buddy Meeting @ 7:20am (Room 109)
Holiday Fund Meeting @ 7:30am (Room 101)
Dentist Visits in Conference Room
Common Core Committee Meeting @ 2:30pm (Room 205)
SEL Committee Meeting @ 3:30pm (Teacher’s Lounge)
Happy Birthday Rosa Worwa πŸ™‚Β 

Wednesday, October 17th:
Dentist Visits in Conference Room
Technology Common Plan/Group 3 Planning with Reading Room
Justin ChibucosΒ (AXA Rep) Visiting <—see attached flyer

Thursday, October 18th:
Pre School Field Trip to Sonny Acres
RTI Committee Meeting @ 2:30pm (Room 118)
K-3 Paraprofessionals Meeting @ 2:30pm (Teacher’s Lounge)
SLT Meeting @ 3:00pm
PreK Paraprofessionals Meeting @ 3:45pm (Teacher’s Lounge)

Friday, October 19th:
1st Grade Field Trip to Goebbert’s
Happy Birthday Ewa Popowska πŸ™‚Β 

Week 9: 10/08/12 – 10/12/12

*From my favorite blog; Venspired

School? It’s about the kids. Society loves to simplify our jobs. Make it about facts and kids knowing stuff. Make it about graphs and charts that display our school’s weak points. But what aren’t people seeing? The kids.

The kids whose parents no longer live in the home. The kids who get one meal a day, their school lunch. The kids who cry at night because they are the adult in the house. The kids who have amazing potential buried in trying to help raise a younger sibling or who have big struggles caused by the fact that they are caring for themselves. The kids whose parents have a terrible drug problem and are headed to prison. The kids who haven’t lived more than six months in the same place since they were born. The kids who don’t know what Santa visits are like. The ones who don’t have a Crockpot with warm meals filling their house when they hop off the bus.

Every teacher knows a student whose story would break your heart.

A story that would stop you in your tracks.

A story that would remind you what education is about. Education? It’s about the kids.

The charts & graphs in the paper are just numbers. Teachers? We impact lives.
Thank you for all that you do to make an impact on our Kennedy Kubbies each and everyday! They are blessed to have you in their lives.Β πŸ™‚

Here’s our week at a glance:

Monday, October 8th:

Tuesday, October 9th:
Faculty Meeting Β @ 2:30pm Β <—-click for agenda
Reading/ELL Committee Meeting (Room 110)
School Community Committee Meeting (after faculty meeting)

Wednesday, October 10th:
2nd Grade Field Trip to Tyrell Trailside Museum (Rooms 104 & 105)
SLBC to Schiller Park Police Department
Reading/ELL Common Plan
*PreK: Faculty Meeting at start of common plan @ 2:50pm*

Thursday, October 11th:
2nd Grade Field Trip to Tyrell Trailside Museum (Rooms 115 & 106)
Event Planning Committee Meeting @ 2:30pm (Room 115)

Friday, October 12th:
Pre School Screening
Kindergarten Field Trip to Didier Farm

Week 8: 10/01/12 – 10/05/12

I’m sure we’ve all encountered situations when we’ve observed a parent raising their voice at their child, or you’ve tried to soothe a student that was sad from being yelled at by his/her parents before school. I wonder how many of our students come to school upset, repeating messages to themselves that they’ve heard from their parents/care-givers that perpetuate their own negative feelings about themselves?

On the flip side, I’m fortunate to constantly witness the positive models that you are for our students at Kennedy. Every morning, faculty greet students with a smile, telling each and every one how happy they are to see them! I’ve seen upset students calm down, because a teacher spoke in a soft, loving voice. I’ve seen high fives and hugs, and teachers praising students.

Our students are so lucky to have you in their lives to make sure that they hear positive messages each day to build them up!

Here’s our week at a glance:

Monday, October 1st
First Grade Field Trip to Safety Town (HIP Mall)
Environmental Committee Meeting @ 2:30pm (Room 105)
Happy Birthday Sarah Sicher πŸ™‚Β 

Tuesday, October 2nd:
Buddy Committee Meeting @ 7:20am (Room 109)
Multiage Field Trip to Safety Town (HIP Mall)
RTI Committee Meeting @ 2:30pm (Room 118)
PEP Meeting @ 6:00pm @ LMS

Wednesday, October 3rd:
TAPS Common Plan

Thursday, October 4th:
3rd Grade Field trip to Goebbert’s
Celebrations Committee Meeting @ 2:30pm (Room 104)
SLT Meeting @ 3:00pm
Happy Birthday Stephanie Alessi πŸ™‚Β 

Friday, October 5th:
Fall Picture DayΒ <–click for schedule
GROUP Staff Photo on playground @ 7:10am: Wear your kennedy polo or a blue shirt!
Happy Birthday Barbara Brzozowska! πŸ™‚Β 

(10/6): Happy Birthday Anna Gabriel (green bus) πŸ™‚
(10/7): Happy Birthday Nicole Novak πŸ™‚
(10/8): NO SCHOOL/Columbus Day

Week 7: 09/24/12 – 09/28/12

Learning is what happens when we seek new experiences, try what we have never experienced, or when we fail to accomplish what we set out to do. Doing the same exact thing again and again will not create new learning. BE BOLD! What’s the worst thing that can happen?

Β Monday, September 24th:
Happy Birthday Britney Taylor πŸ™‚
Happy Birthday Lorena Esqueda πŸ™‚
Common Core Committee Meeting @ 2:30pm (Room 205)

Tuesday, September 25th:
Happy Birthday Marta Ocon πŸ™‚
Faculty MeetingΒ @ 2:30pm <—click for agenda

Wednesday, September 26th:
Happy Birthday Nicole Duffy! πŸ™‚
Assessment Common Plan
2nd Grade Field Trip to Goebbert’s
SLBC to Schiller Park Post Office

Thursday, September 27th:
PreK Field Trip to Brookfield Zoo
RTI Committee Meeting @ 2:30pm

Friday, September 28th:
Spirit Assembly (Friendship) 9:00am

(09/29) Happy Birthday Stefanie Widmaier πŸ™‚

(09/30) District 5K: Project Heart Well
There’s still time to register! You can even sign up the day of the event. This is our 2nd annual 5K Walk/Run that begins/ends at Kennedy School. Hopefully we’ll see many of you there!
8am Check-In
9am Start of the 5K

Week 6: 09/17/12 – 09/21/12

Here’s our week at a glance:

Monday, September 17th:
*Breakfast & Lunch back in the cafeteria*
Code RedΒ Drill @ 9:30am <–click to review procedures
Common Core Committee Meeting @ 2:30pm (Room 205)

Tuesday, September 18th:
SLBC Outing to Jewel
Happy Birthday Danielle Peckhart πŸ™‚

Wednesday, September 19th:
Board Meeting @ 7:00pm
Happy Birthday Roger Pape πŸ™‚Β 

Thursday, September 20th:
Common Core Committee Meeting @ 2:30pm
SLT Meeting @ 3:00pm
Happy Birthday Michelle Lang πŸ™‚Β 

Friday, September 21st:
Happy Birthday Bridget Elliott πŸ™‚


Week 5: 09/10/12 – 09/14/12

*From Venspired blog:

Stuff. Your desk looks like a crazy paper box exploded. You have people you don’t see eye to eye with and wish it could change. You’ve got a meeting and four workshops coming up. Your to-do list is bigger than the Yellow Pages. You spilled your coffee all over the car. You forgot to sign your own child’s planner. Your yogurt you wanted for lunch is expired. Stuff.

Moments. You get your day started in the classroom. You Skype with an engineer who designs roller coasters, one kid is super excited about becoming an engineer. You have a conversation with a kid and introduce her to a book that was your favorite when you were a kid. You smile at a kid who looks a bit sad and that kid smiles back and starts talking to you about his dog. On the way out of school, one kid comes running back to tell you about something amazing he’s inventing. One conversation or moment could inspire a student. Moments.

The stuff will be forgotten. The moments? They’re the little things that matter most.

Here’s our week at a glance:

Monday, September 10th:
Dress Rehearsal for Sept 11th Performance (8:50am-10:15am)
Common Core Committee Meeting @ 2:30pm (Room 205)
Happy Birthday Katie Falcone πŸ™‚

Tuesday, September 11th:
Faculty MeetingΒ @ 2:30pm & 3:30pm
Happy Birthday Jaime Bolognone πŸ™‚
Happy Birthday Beatriz Diaz πŸ™‚
September 11th Remembrance CeremonyΒ 7:00pm (Clock Tower)

Wednesday, September 12th:
1/2 Day (K-3 Students dismiss at 10:55am)
AgendaΒ <—Click to see Agenda (*Inservice will be in gymnasium*)

Thursday, September 13th:
3rd Grade Field Trip to Schiller Park Library
Curriculum Night 6:00pm-7:30pm

Friday, September 14th:
5 by Friday πŸ™‚

(09/15) Happy Birthday Blanche Dougal πŸ™‚
(09/16) Happy Birthday Jody Horan (orange bus driver) πŸ™‚Β 

***Being positive not only makes you better, it makes everyone around you better. Sign the pledge, choose to be positive & make a positive impact!

Your enthusiasm and positive energy set the tone for your students. Your attitude is one of the few things you can actually control, be sure to use it wisely!

Have a great week, everyone!