Week 35: 05/03/21 – 05/07/21

To All the Tired Educators via Pernille Ripp

Because what happened in the past year in education is so much bigger than just learning content. Is so much bigger than just one singular experience. It is about community. About innovating through unforeseen obstacles. About a relentless pursuit of connection, of seeing our own mistakes not as places to rest but places to grow. Of knowing that you did the best you could and that what we did mattered, that what you did mattered.

So celebrate these last few weeks. Revel in the kids and their amazing fortitude. Cherish the times that you still get to have with these incredible kids that you got to call yours for a while. And rest. Rest in the knowledge that you did it. That you worked through it. That you learned lessons you will use for the rest of your teaching career. Rest in the knowledge that there will be more learning and growing in years to come and that we did not get lost, we instead found a new path that we had to forge together and that the content and the skills is still on our path. We may just need a new way to get there.

We hope you all have a wonderful Teacher Appreciation Week. You have worked your tails off & then some. You’ve emptied your tank physically & emotionally. You didn’t waiver & you were there for every single child. Thank you for TURNING UP and NEVER GIViNG UP! Each day this week, Donna, Sara & I will be celebrating you…. be sure to stop by your mailboxes and/or the lounge! On Friday, we’d love to treat you all to a Panera boxed lunch, too. Please fill out this Google Form by the end of the day tomorrow!

Here’s our week at a glance:

Monday, May 3rd

Tuesday, May 4th
Happy Birthday Abby Domingo

Wednesday, May 5th
CPT Meetings

Thursday, May 6th
SLT Meeting @ 3:00pm (Conference Room)

Friday, May 7th

(05/08) Happy Birthday Jen Mauck πŸ™‚

Week 34: 04/26/21 – 04/30/21

April is Autism Acceptance Month! Kristin shared this link she created that includes two slides filled with tons of resources! Please take some time this week to look through it and use it to facilitate discussions with your students about accepting friends, no matter their differences.

Here’s our week at a glance:

Monday, April 26th
“B” – Beach Day

Tuesday, April 27th
“C” – Compliment Day

Wednesday, April 28th
“D” – Dark Day (do an activity with lights out)

Thursday, April 29th
“E” – Exercise Day

Friday, April 30th
“F” – Wear your Favorite Color Day
Vision & Hearing (2nd Grade & SPED students)

(05/02) SP Baseball Opening Day

Week 33: 04/19/21 – 04/23/21

Here’s our week at a glance:

Monday, April 19th
Happy Birthday Chris Gonzalez πŸ™‚

Tuesday, April 20th

Wednesday, April 21st
Remind families about the early release Wednesday dismissal time (1:50pm)
CPT Meetings
Happy Birthday Anna Kaminska πŸ™‚ (yellow bus driver)
Happy Administrative Professionals’ Day, Eva, Sue & Mirta

Thursday, April 22nd
Earth Day

Friday, April 23rd
ABC Countdown Begins!

Week 32: 04/12/21 – 04/16/21

BIGΒ week ahead! We can’t wait to welcome an additional 70 Kubbies back to our schoolhouse this week and for five full days! Thank you for being patient with us as we continued to move furniture in and out of your rooms and made roster changes … sometimes daily! We are ready for this week ahead and we know you are too! We have 7 more Mondays and 35 more days with our Kubbies to make an impact! What you do each day matters greatly. Thank you for always connecting with your students and making each minute with them memorable, engaging and purposeful!


John, Andy, Todd, Jimmy, Zach & Alberto for helping move the furniture in and out of the rooms … sometimes several times … to get each classroom configuration perfect for the number of students!

Thank you to Cindy, Chris, Maria, Marta and Betty for working extra hard to prepare for our students’ return to the cafe! You’ve worked so hard delivering lunches daily to the classrooms & I know this upcoming week will be a big change in how the cafe usually runs. We are grateful for your teamwork and filling the bellies of our Kubbies so they’re ready to learn and grow!

Anna & Jeanne have been nurse rockstars — handling the daily aches and ailments of our students, while communicating with parents of those staying home with ailments — and contact tracing LIKE A BOSS! Thank you for approaching each day with a positive attitude and a calm presence.

Thank you Kennedy family for embracing this final change to our schedules with enthusiasm. Thank you for seeing these next 35 full days of school as an OPPORTUNITY to do amazing things with your students! You’re remarkable.

Last but certainly not least, thank you to Eva, Sue & Mirta for your timely, calm communication with everyone. Thank you for keeping us all in the loop every time a parent changes their mind, requests a transportation change, etc. Thank you!!!!

Please know that Donna, Sara and I are a text away! Please don’t hesitate to reach out if anyone needs anything! We are here to support you and the students. Good luck this week, everyone! YOU’VE GOT THIS!

Here’s our week at a glance:

Monday, April 12th
Full Days of School Resume (7:55am-2:30pm)

Tuesday, April 13th

Wednesday, April 14th
Early Release – CPT Meetings @ 2:00pm for all teams (2:15pm for PreK)

Thursday, April 15th

Friday, April 16th
5 by Friday! Keep making those positive connections with parents!

(04/17) Washington School Groundbreaking Ceremony @ 1:30pm

Week 31: 04/05/21 – 04/09/21

Here’s our week at a glance:

Monday, April 5th

Tuesday, April 6th
Teacher Institute Day – NO STUDENT ATTENDANCE

Wednesday, April 7th
School Resumes for Students
Happy Birthday Beata Dering πŸ™‚
Happy Birthday Ivanka Ananieva πŸ™‚
Happy Birthday Mirta Cruz πŸ™‚

Thursday, April 8th
Happy Birthday Sharon Muntova πŸ™‚

Friday, April 9th
5 Positive Connections by Friday!

(04/12) – Students resume Full Days

Week 30: 03/22/21 – 03/26/21

Here’s our week at a glance:

Monday, March 22nd

Tuesday, March 23rd
*super brief* faculty Zoom Check-In (2:45pm)

Wednesday, March 24th
CPT Meetings

Thursday, March 25th
Happy Birthday Diane Serio

Friday, March 26th
5 by Friday! Continue making those positive connections!

Have a great Spring Break!
(03/29) Happy Birthday Eric Humbles

(04/06) Teacher Institute Day
(04/07) School Resumes

Week 29: 03/15/21 – 03/19/21

It’s crazy to think that a year ago, we were experiencing our last “normal” weekend/time with our students before shifting to “remote learning” for what we thought would be two-weeks. Our world was completely changed overnight. We are all experiencing the pandemic in different ways (some are experiencing it in a much bigger, more urgent way than others), and yet we are all carrying pain through this, and we are all changed because of it.

We see how hard you are trying to connect and reach your students, despite the challenges this year has brought educators. We see the countless hours you’ve dedicated, the worrying about meeting the needs of all of your students and trying to connect and reach out to others so you can share ideas. We see that you’re constantly coming together as teams to brainstorm yet another idea for kids where it may not be working — We are SO PROUD OF YOU!

While this last calendar year has been challenging, this year has not been lost. While students may not have learned as much as they normally would (if attending physically in school, normal hours/days), they have learned OTHER THINGS.

Thank you for your continued resilience and flexibility as we transition towards normalcy for our students.

Here’s our week at a glance:

Monday, March 15th

Tuesday, March 16th

Wednesday, March 17th
Happy St. Patrick’s Day!
CPT Meetings

Thursday, March 18th
SLT Meeting @ 3:00pm (Conference Room)

Friday, March 19th

Week 28: 03/08/21 – 03/12/21

Here’s our week at a glance:

Monday, March 8th
*New schedule begins!
Welcome all hybrid learners 5 half-days per week!

Tuesday, March 9th

Wednesday, March 10th
1/2 SIP Day
*No PM classes!
*SIP Meetings in person (12-3) <– agenda to follow
Supply PickUp (11-12) for REMOTE STUDENTS ONLY

Thursday, March 11th

Friday, March 12th

(03/14) Daylight Savings Time Starts
SPRING ahead

Week 27: 03/01/21 – 03/05/21

It’s Seuss Week! While it looks different this year, we’re still going to make it amazing for our students! Thanks to Amanda for putting together our spirit week line-up and sharing Instagram images we can all post & share via REMIND with parents! Stay tuned for a link to a site where families can have some Dr. Seuss fun at home! If you’re still interested in signing up to read/record a book, it’s not too late! But hurry! The more books our Kubbies can read and listen to at home, the better!

Here’s our week at a glance:

Monday, March 1st
Happy Birthday Tami Ericksen πŸ™‚

Tuesday, March 2nd
Happy Birthday Bonnie Bricker πŸ™‚

Wednesday, March 3rd
Happy Birthday Natalie Barcas πŸ™‚

Thursday, March 4th

Friday, March 5th
Happy Birthday Debi Cesario πŸ™‚

Week 26: 02/22/21 – 02/26/21

*We’re coming to the end of February ….. hard to believe it’s still snowing! I’m sure some of us are happy to put February behind us and out of our minds….. but before we do:

What were you grateful for in the month of February?

We are so grateful to work alongside each of our Kennedy family members….. we SEE all that you’re doing and value your commitment to the children and families of District 81. Thank you for your unwavering dedication …. even in the midst of all the challenges we’re facing this school year.

Here’s our week at a glance:

Monday, February 22nd

Tuesday, February 23rd
1/2 Day of School – No AFTERNOON CLASSES
Spring Parent Teacher Conferences

Wednesday, February 24th
Everyone works/learns REMOTELY
CPT Meetings
Happy Birthday Shannon Keating πŸ™‚

Thursday, February 25th
Happy Birthday Briahna Santoro πŸ™‚

Friday, February 26th
5 by Friday …. Have you mailed any Positive Postcards lately?
We encourage you to continue with those positive connections with your families!

(02/28) Happy Birthday Alicia Peccatiello πŸ™‚