It’s easy to get caught up in the day-to-day. The details. The little things. The stuff that doesn’t matter. Today I read a post by Diane Ravitch, “Neil Armstrong Thanked His Teacher” and was struck by the words. “They will remember you.” I can remember so many vivid details about teachers I have had. I just don’t remember their classrooms, I remember who they are as people.
They will remember you. Your words. Your actions. Your accomplishments. Your struggles. Your conversations. Your passions. Your crazy hair after a windy day on the playground. Your favorite sweater. Your favorite snack. Your time together.
Even when they grow up and get ready to walk on the moon.
They will remember you.
Here’s our week at a glance:
Monday, September 18th
Tuesday, September 19th
Wednesday, September 20th
Happy Birthday Michelle McMorrow 🙂
1/2 SIP Day <–click for agenda
Board Meeting @ 6:30pm
Thursday, September 21st
Friday, September 22nd
Fall Picture Day <—click for schedule
(09/23) Happy Birthday Amanda Quinlan 🙂