Here’s our week at a glance:
Monday, September 12th
Happy Birthday Alexis Makaris 🙂
Reading Room Starts!
Book Checkout in Library Starts!
RTI Committee Meeting (Tech Space) @ 2:30pm
New Teacher Meeting (Room C103) @ 2:50pm
Tuesday, September 13th
Kennedy Evacuation Drill @ 9:15am
New Teacher/Mentor Meeting @ 4:00pm (Upstairs Presentation Space)
Wednesday, September 14th
CPT Meetings
Thursday, September 15th
SLT Meeting @ 2:50pm
Friday, September 16th
Happy Birthday Jody Horan (Orange Bus Driver)
Kennedy Code Red Drill
5 Positive Connections by Friday ….
Resource to Check Out…..
Mind Yeti <—Nancy Weir shared this awesome resource

Why Choose Mind Yeti?
Thousands of parents, teachers, and counselors use Mind Yeti to help kids calm down, focus their attention, and get ready for whatever’s next.
Mind Yeti is a library of research-based guided mindfulness sessions that help kids and their adults calm their minds, focus their attention, and connect to the world around them.
Here are videos on YouTube to check out!
Looking Ahead…..
September 19th-20th: Dentist Visits
September 21st: 1/2 Day of School (School Improvement Day)