It’s that time of the year…..Fall Parent/Teacher Conference Week
(one week left before a WELL-DESERVED Thanksgiving Break).
Goal: Strengthen the home-school relationship!
You and the parents are both there to help create the best possible outcomes for the student.
While the format is virtual, our goal is still the same! We all want to understand each student’s unique needs, skills and personality to help that child learn and grow the best we can.
It’s important that parents know that we see and notice small things in their children— every positive is worth noticing and celebrating! Sharing positives with parents makes a huge impact on building strong relationships.
**Allow some extra time for tech issues! (Please contact Donna, Sara or I if you need any help!)
***Don’t waste too much time trying to resolve technical issues. If you need to fall back on a regular PHONE CONFERENCE, that’s okay!
Try to gather information that will be helpful to you:
What concerns or issues do you think your child is experiencing with school?
What successes have you noticed your child has experienced this year?
What do you see as your child’s strengths and weaknesses?
Do you have any specificity questions or topics you’d like to discuss?
In what areas do you need support at home from me?
Our goal this week is to give parents important information about the whole student, gather feedback from parents & create solutions together!
Feel free to invite an admin (just like in-person conferences) to be present for a potentially difficult virtual conference. Donna, Sara and I are here to support you!
*Do share AND ask about students’ social and emotional wellbeing
*Remind parents and caregivers of school expectations
*Inquire how the school year is going from their perspective
*Highlight student work by screen sharing on Zoom !
*Offer suggestions, but don’t forget to be equally understanding, patient and encouraging.
Now more than ever, teachers & families are working as a team.
*Just like you would follow up after a conference (regarding something that was discussed, or a suggestion), follow up with an email, a text or a phone call to the parent — revisiting something specific you discussed in the conference. It shows your commitment to that child’s growth and development! The more we can get our families to support our goals for their students and reinforce practice at home, the better!
Let’s make sure we make the most of Conference Week to learn and share to best help our Kubbies!

Here’s our week at a glance:
Monday, November 15th
Parent/Teacher Conference Week
Happy Birthday Sandy Montes de Oca 🙂
Tuesday, November 16th
No Student Attendance – Full Day P/T Conferences
Wednesday, November 17th
Thursday, November 18th
Friday, November 19th
Happy Birthday Shandi Hammer 🙂
Thanksgiving Break!
(11/20) Happy Birthday Rosa Worwa
(11/21) Happy Birthday Emily Kronlage
(11/22) Happy Birthday Suzanne Schoepke
(11/28) Happy Birthday Esther Rafalson
School Resumes November 29th