You’ve almost reached the end of the 2020-2021 school year! Remember how this year started? Remember where we were last July? August? September?
We have so much to be grateful for! The school year held so many unknowns. It seems like SO LONG ago ……
Impossible guidelines and insane measures to be as “normal” as possible in the midst of a global pandemic while trying to teach our students, care for our own families, and survive.
We are here. May 17th, 2021.
2 more weeks of school with this group of amazing Kubbies.
And here you are.
Let’s keep going! We’ve got this!
Here’s our week at a glance:
Monday, May 17th
Q- Quiet Day
Aimsweb Benchmarking Begins
Tuesday, May 18th
R – Reading Day
Wednesday, May 19th
S – Sports Day
Thursday, May 20th
Happy Birthday Kimi Klein 🙂
T – Teacher Day
Friday, May 21st
5 Positive Connections by Friday!
U – Under Day