To All the Tired Educators via Pernille Ripp
“Because what happened in the past year in education is so much bigger than just learning content. Is so much bigger than just one singular experience. It is about community. About innovating through unforeseen obstacles. About a relentless pursuit of connection, of seeing our own mistakes not as places to rest but places to grow. Of knowing that you did the best you could and that what we did mattered, that what you did mattered.
So celebrate these last few weeks. Revel in the kids and their amazing fortitude. Cherish the times that you still get to have with these incredible kids that you got to call yours for a while. And rest. Rest in the knowledge that you did it. That you worked through it. That you learned lessons you will use for the rest of your teaching career. Rest in the knowledge that there will be more learning and growing in years to come and that we did not get lost, we instead found a new path that we had to forge together and that the content and the skills is still on our path. We may just need a new way to get there.“

We hope you all have a wonderful Teacher Appreciation Week. You have worked your tails off & then some. You’ve emptied your tank physically & emotionally. You didn’t waiver & you were there for every single child. Thank you for TURNING UP and NEVER GIViNG UP! Each day this week, Donna, Sara & I will be celebrating you…. be sure to stop by your mailboxes and/or the lounge! On Friday, we’d love to treat you all to a Panera boxed lunch, too. Please fill out this Google Form by the end of the day tomorrow!
Here’s our week at a glance:
Monday, May 3rd
Tuesday, May 4th
Happy Birthday Abby Domingo
Wednesday, May 5th
CPT Meetings
Thursday, May 6th
SLT Meeting @ 3:00pm (Conference Room)
Friday, May 7th
(05/08) Happy Birthday Jen Mauck 🙂