BIG week ahead! We can’t wait to welcome an additional 70 Kubbies back to our schoolhouse this week and for five full days! Thank you for being patient with us as we continued to move furniture in and out of your rooms and made roster changes … sometimes daily! We are ready for this week ahead and we know you are too! We have 7 more Mondays and 35 more days with our Kubbies to make an impact! What you do each day matters greatly. Thank you for always connecting with your students and making each minute with them memorable, engaging and purposeful!
John, Andy, Todd, Jimmy, Zach & Alberto for helping move the furniture in and out of the rooms … sometimes several times … to get each classroom configuration perfect for the number of students!
Thank you to Cindy, Chris, Maria, Marta and Betty for working extra hard to prepare for our students’ return to the cafe! You’ve worked so hard delivering lunches daily to the classrooms & I know this upcoming week will be a big change in how the cafe usually runs. We are grateful for your teamwork and filling the bellies of our Kubbies so they’re ready to learn and grow!
Anna & Jeanne have been nurse rockstars — handling the daily aches and ailments of our students, while communicating with parents of those staying home with ailments — and contact tracing LIKE A BOSS! Thank you for approaching each day with a positive attitude and a calm presence.
Thank you Kennedy family for embracing this final change to our schedules with enthusiasm. Thank you for seeing these next 35 full days of school as an OPPORTUNITY to do amazing things with your students! You’re remarkable.
Last but certainly not least, thank you to Eva, Sue & Mirta for your timely, calm communication with everyone. Thank you for keeping us all in the loop every time a parent changes their mind, requests a transportation change, etc. Thank you!!!!
Please know that Donna, Sara and I are a text away! Please don’t hesitate to reach out if anyone needs anything! We are here to support you and the students. Good luck this week, everyone! YOU’VE GOT THIS!

Here’s our week at a glance:
Monday, April 12th
Full Days of School Resume (7:55am-2:30pm)
Tuesday, April 13th
Wednesday, April 14th
Early Release – CPT Meetings @ 2:00pm for all teams (2:15pm for PreK)
Thursday, April 15th
Friday, April 16th
5 by Friday! Keep making those positive connections with parents!
(04/17) Washington School Groundbreaking Ceremony @ 1:30pm