It’s crazy to think that a year ago, we were experiencing our last “normal” weekend/time with our students before shifting to “remote learning” for what we thought would be two-weeks. Our world was completely changed overnight. We are all experiencing the pandemic in different ways (some are experiencing it in a much bigger, more urgent way than others), and yet we are all carrying pain through this, and we are all changed because of it.

We see how hard you are trying to connect and reach your students, despite the challenges this year has brought educators. We see the countless hours you’ve dedicated, the worrying about meeting the needs of all of your students and trying to connect and reach out to others so you can share ideas. We see that you’re constantly coming together as teams to brainstorm yet another idea for kids where it may not be working — We are SO PROUD OF YOU!

While this last calendar year has been challenging, this year has not been lost. While students may not have learned as much as they normally would (if attending physically in school, normal hours/days), they have learned OTHER THINGS.

Thank you for your continued resilience and flexibility as we transition towards normalcy for our students.
Here’s our week at a glance:
Monday, March 15th
Tuesday, March 16th
Wednesday, March 17th
Happy St. Patrick’s Day!
CPT Meetings
Thursday, March 18th
SLT Meeting @ 3:00pm (Conference Room)
Friday, March 19th