Think of how much your students miss you when they haven’t seen you over a long 3-day weekend? Or after a week-long break?
For some of our Kubbies, they haven’t step foot in our beautiful school, or seen their beloved teachers in over 300 days! Let’s do everything we can to make tomorrow, and every day we we have, as a chance to welcome our Kubbies, show them how loved and missed they are, and express our excitement to have them back in the building for face-to-face learning!
Let’s do this! Let’s remember our WHY and make hybrid learning successful for everyone!
We can do this!
Know that Donna and I are here to support you! We are a text, phone call or email away. Thanks in advance to EVERYONE for helping make hybrid successful and smooth! We truly appreciate your willingness to lend a helping hand!!!!
Here’s our week at a glance:
Monday, January 18th
Happy Birthday Cheri Grimaldi 🙂
Tuesday, January 19th
Hybrid (In-Person) Learning Begins
Aimsweb Benchmarking (During RR times)
Wednesday, January 20th
CPT Meetings
ALL Staff Work Remotely
Thursday, January 21st
Friday, January 22nd
Happy Birthday Michelle Morgan