I saw the above post from Jen Jones on social media and would like to share her caption below, as it resonates after last week’s events in our country and I could not have said it any better:
“If you’re a teacher that hasn’t talked about the recent events in our country with your students, if you have carried on your lesson plans or class as business as usual, talked about oral things, done normal things, and have searched or are still searching for ‘the right thing to say’ consider these simple words that @mish1231 said to her students:
Then stop and wait for nods, and watch the flood gates open.
When we as teachers just open that space for them to talk and tell us how they’re feeling, we validate for ourselves and our students that our mixed-up and confusing feelings matter. And sends the message, something we always want our students to know, because we always want our students to know that our class is a safe place to talk about things we hear, read and see happening around us.
It’s a crazy time, it’s a crazy time to be a teacher, there are so many things that we never thought we would ever have to teach about that we’re having to teach about. We are learning along with our students how to address that and do the right thing for them.
On my page, I try to bring to you what you need, when you need it, and in hard times like these, bringing you picture books and honest words that help us with these conversations, resources and strategies I’ve shared on my story to help guide us all, to see the light over dark, the good over evil, the joy over pain and to realize that teachers and students are experiencing worry, anxiety, sadness, and during a global pandemic, that it’s okay to feel those feelings and that it’s okay to talk about it.
Children are so extremely smart, sensitive, trusting, and more capable than they often get credit for. They can do great things, have complex feelings, and make significant contributions to the families and communities in which they belong. By creating, and allowing and giving them safe places and opening in our days with them to talk, share, learn, grow and begin this greatness together is one of the most important ways that we as teachers can have the greatest positive influence on our students because we are ALL influencers — especially to the 20 something little ones learning from us everyday. While children are the future….the real change agents for a better world, teachers, play a huge role in shaping how far they go.
I am incredibly proud of all teachers right now….you are doing amazing things, teaching virtually and six feet apart and relentlessly cultivating classroom community, having hard conversations, dealing with tough topics, and your students are so incredibly blessed to be in your class!”
**Please know that our SLT will be meeting this week and compiling resources that may be helpful so our schoolhouse can have a bank of common resources we can use during SELs.
Here’s our week at a glance:
Monday, January 11th
Staff Back in Building – Hybrid Schedule
Tuesday, January 12th
Faculty Meeting @ 2:45pm
Wednesday, January 13th
*All Staff Work Remotely*
CPT Meetings
Thursday, January 14th
SLT Meeting @ 2:45pm
Friday, January 15th
Happy Birthday Ami Freeman 🙂
(01/17) Hapy Birthday Cheri Grimaldi 🙂
01/18 – NO SCHOOL (MLK Jr. Day)
01/19 – K-8 Students Return for Hybrid