Congratulations on the completion of the 2023-2024 school year!
It’s hard to believe the year has come to an end. Please accept our thanks for all the wonderful experiences you provided the children this year.
Thank you for always making our Kubbies feel loved, safe, happy and for nurturing their growth. We are confident the children will never forget how you made them feel.
We look forward to our continued work together next year and we are confident that our collective staff will continue to keep our eyes on the children and support each other!
We are proud of what we have been able to accomplish this year and look forward to what we can continue to do for the children of Kennedy School….together!
Have a wonderful summer. Enjoy your time with those you love. You certainly deserve it! Here’s a great blog post from George Couros.
We challenge you to reflect on 4 questions as you head into summer break:
- What did I do well this year?
- Where do I need to grow?
- What things will I challenge myself with next year?
- How will all of these answers impact the learners I serve?

Keep in mind, the end of the year is not always happy for some of our students, whose only security and love comes from US. Thank you in advance for loving the students and reassuring them that we love them and can’t wait to see them again soon!
For those of you moving on to new adventures, remember that you’re only as good as your last exit…and for those of us returning, know that students remember the educators that we are the last week of school — so let’s make sure they remember the best of what we have to offer! Finish strong and wrap up the year with a beautiful bow! Have a wonderful week….and remember to be great for our Kubbies and each other. To our retirees: we can’t wait to honor and celebrate your final days at Kennedy School, making them memorable as you head into your retirement 🙂
Here’s our last week at a glance:
Monday, June 3rd
Happy Birthday Lauren Caputo 🙂
Kindergarten Screenings / Kindergarten “Signing Day”
2nd Grade Picnic (11am-1pm)
Tuesday, June 4th
Happy Birthday Allie Parisi 🙂
2nd/3rd FIELD DAY
Discipline Committee Meeting @ 3:45pm (LMS Conference Room)
Wednesday, June 5th
3rd Grade Picnic
Class Building – CPT
Thursday, June 6th
Friday, June 7th
Last Day Breakfast in Lounge
Last Day of School (1/2 Day) – look for a separate email/invitation for the End-Of-Year District Celebration
Spirit Assembly (9am)
Waving the Buses Goodbye! Head to Car Lane to Wave Cars Goodbye!