Week 34: 05/13/24 – 05/17/24

I hope everyone had a wonderful Mother’s Day Weekend. I saw this post from a blogger named “Farley” & wanted to share: 

I have come to realize Mother’s Day is a celebration of
living moms
angel moms
birth moms
adoptive moms
moms with fur kids
step moms
grieving moms
those trying to become moms
and those that care for kids like a mom

everyone’s path through life leads them on a different journey
as some may be on a mountain… others might be in a valley
but both travelers need LOVE!!!

Happy Mother’s Day to everyone
you may not hold the roadmap to your life but
remember to count your blessings along the way, follow your heart,
and always look for a sliver lining.

Monday, May 13th
Happy Birthday John Grobe!

Tuesday, May 14th
1st Grade Field Trip to Play (9:30am)

Wednesday, May 15th
PreK Field Trip to Brookfield Zoo (9:00am)
Board of Education Meeting 6:30pm

Thursday, May 16th
Retirement Party @ 4:30pm

Friday, May 17th
Kindergarten Field Trip to Brookfield Zoo (9:00am)
DARE Graduation @ Washington

(05/18) National Speech Language Pathologist Day