….and what a beautiful, sunny Sunday it is today!
I hope you were able to enjoy time during your Spring Break resting and relaxing and making new memories with those you love (while social distancing).
As we welcome our students back tomorrow, and return to e-Learning, please remember that you are just as instrumental in developing the social and emotional needs of your students as you are in developing their academic needs.
You have risen to the occasion and done an amazing job implementing e-Learning. The love, purpose, grace, compassion and innovation you’ve demonstrated are commendable! Our Kubbies have been amazing, too — adjusting to the new world of learning they’ve been thrown into! Thank you for supporting our students and families. We will come out of this stronger, living and loving differently than we ever have, with new levels of appreciation and gratitude that we never even knew we had! This may be the toughest thing we’ve ever done, but let’s keep going! Our Kubbies and their families are counting on us!

We all became educators because we care about kids…..now more than ever, they are counting on our presence (albeit, via an iPad). Your relationships with your students and your commitment to their well-being will sustain your connections in the weeks to come. Relationships matter, now more than ever!
Let’s kick off another amazing week of e-Learning tomorrow. Remember, no e-Learning on Friday.
Donna, Sara and I look forward to connecting with each grade level/team tomorrow via a ZOOM meeting to catch up and look ahead together. Please check the Kennedy calendar for your grade level’s timeslot & ZOOM link.
Have a great Sunday….and see you all (virtually) tomorrow!
We’ve got this!

Here’s our week at a glance:
Monday, April 6th
Welcome Students Back to e-Learning: Week 3
Welcome Students Back to e-Learning: Week 3
Tuesday, April 7th
Happy Birthday Beata Dering 🙂
Happy Birthday Ivanka Ananieva 🙂
Happy Birthday Mirta Cruz 🙂
Happy Birthday Beata Dering 🙂
Happy Birthday Ivanka Ananieva 🙂
Happy Birthday Mirta Cruz 🙂
Wednesday, April 8th
Happy Birthday Sharon Muntova 🙂
CPT Meetings
Happy Birthday Sharon Muntova 🙂
CPT Meetings
Thursday, April 9th
Friday, April 10th
NO SCHOOL (No e-Learning)
NO SCHOOL (No e-Learning)
(04/11) Happy Birthday Sam Alfirevic 🙂