As the ABC Countdown begins this Wednesday which counts down the final 26 days of the 2018-2019 school year, remember to look to the end of the year as setting the stage for next year. A strong finish helps build for a successful year to come. To ensure a strong finish and a positive launch to the next school year, keep the following in mind:
*Have high expectations for all. The end of the school year is not only about celebrations. It’s about learning. Focus on what is important and find the balance between keeping learning at the forefront of your classroom and enjoying those “end of the year” celebrations.
*Be well planned. Act with intention and purpose each day. Students thrive on routine and consistency. Just because the weather is getting warmer and field trips are blooming, the last thing you want to do is lose focus. It’s important to ensure that the learning process continues to bloom and that students are engaged!
*Keep a positive and hopeful attitude. This time of the year can be emotional and exhausting for all. Remember to find the good stuff. It’s there if you take time to look for it.

I challenge each of you to look at the number of days remaining this school year as the number of days you have to MAKE A DIFFERENCE.

Instead of saying you have ____ days left of school until summer break, think of it as:
____ days together to make lasting memories
____days left to share this adventure
____days left for us to grow together
Each and every day our students need us. Remember that you may be the only constant presence in some of your students’ lives. Make a choice each day for your presence to be a positive, constant factor. It’s a great opportunity that we have to come to school and have an impact on students’ lives from day to day.
Here’s our week at a glance:
Monday, April 22nd
Earth Day
Yearbook/Technology Club (2:30pm-4:00pm)
1st Grade Plans with RR @ 2:45pm
Tuesday, April 23rd
1st Grade Field Trip to Kohl Children’s Museum
Kennedy Singers to LMS to Rehearse
Faculty Meeting @ 2:45pm
Spring Choral Concert for 3rd-5th Grades (6:30pm)
Wednesday, April 24th
Happy Administrative Assistants’ Day, Eva & Sue!
PreK Spring Sing (9-10am) in Gym
8th Grade Buddies Visit 3rd Grade (9am)
PreK Spring Sing (12-1pm) in Gym
TAPS (2nd/3rd) during CPT
RTI Committee (3-4pm in Upstairs PD Space)
Board of Education Meeting (7pm)
Thursday, April 25th
April/May Buddy Event
SLBC Family Showcase @ 1:30pm
Spring Choral Concert for 6th-8th Grades (6:30pm
Friday, April 26th
April/May Buddy Event
Last Progress Monitoring
Spirit Assembly @ 9am
Wear Blue for Autism Acceptance
5 by Friday!
Continue making those positive connections with families!