It’s that time of the year.
Where winter break is definitely in the past.
Where we’re starting to feel a bit of the testing pressure.
We’re stressed about upcoming conferences & report cards.
When Spring Break is close…..but not quite close enough.
Take time today to remember that we alone have the power to choose our good attitude.
Be the kind of person who doesn’t allow other people or circumstances to dictate how we feel or treat those around us. Instead, be the consistent one for those around you.
Be thankful for the impact that we have on not only our students, but also on our peers.
Choose to be happy. Choose to be positive. Choose to smile. That doesn’t mean you are unaware of circumstances, or stress, or drama, or struggles….it just means you choose to RISE above it, and be happy anyway. To let your mood be dictated by your blessings and not your afflictions.

We constantly preach to our Kubbies the importance of being kind and how one small act can make someone’s day — This week is  “Random Acts of Kindness Week (Feb 11-17)” so I challenge you to the SD81 edition of the Kindness Challenge — can you complete these simple, kind acts that will make our students’ and colleagues’ days just a bit brighter? Let’s make February 12th-16th Kennedy School’s #RAKWEEK
What’s the SD81 Kindness Challenge you ask?Â
*Complete a challenge – mark it off on your challenge sheet (a copy will be in everyone’s mailbox).
*Each challenge completed earns you a TICKET in the raffle
*Earn an extra ticket for each challenge that you complete & INSTAGRAM with the challenge hashtag
*Turn in your challenge sheets by the end of the day this Friday 2/16
WINNER of the raffle……earns a HALF DAY OFF!Â

You’ll also notice the KINDNESS tree that Stephanie Winberg created in our front hallway!

There are construction paper HEARTS in the office ….feel free to pick some up and ask your students to brainstorm ways they can show KINDNESS to others. Let’s fill the wall this week!
*Click here for educator resources on RAKweek
Here’s our week at a glance:
Monday, February 12th
Reading Room Plan with 1st Grade (@ 2:35pm)
Tuesday, February 13th
Faculty Meeting @ 2:45pm –Â this will be a quick one!
Wednesday, February 14th
Happy Birthday Kaitlin Hillner 🙂
Happy Valentine’s Day <3
TAPS (PreK, K and 1st)
Thursday, February 15th
Happy Birthday Agnes Niewinski 🙂
Talent Show Auditions *During the day (Presentation Space Upstairs)
Kindergarten Information Night 6:00pm
Friday, February 16th
Trimester 2 Ends
*5 By Friday
Please be sure your Parent/Teacher Conference Schedule is finalized in google spreadsheet!
(02/17) Happy Birthday Jackie Hood & Mike Deany :)(