This week consider choosing one of these suggestions and try to practice it.
- Be more positive and accept what can’t be changed. David Holmes writes; “You need to do this in order to deter a pattern of complaining that is so easy to begin, the discipline of dealing with ‘what is,’ not what you wish things to be, is an important principle.”
- Lead in your classroom more side by side in a supportive, helping manner. It is easy to tell others what to do. It is a challenge to really understand why others are behaving a certain way. This week, get closer to others and see if it makes a difference in their performance.
- Fight isolation by not eating alone, invite others into you classroom, and look for opportunities outside of our school to connect and network with others. You don’t have to be alone, reach out.
There is an older traditional thought that says practice makes perfect. Let’s forget about being perfect and just begin practicing.
Here’s our week at a glance:
Monday, October 17th
Happy Birthday MaryBeth D’Andrea 🙂
1st Grade (Rooms 110, 100, 102, 108) Field Trip to Goebbert’s Pumpkin Farm
Fire Prevention Week <–click to see schedule
New Teacher Meeting @ 2:55pm
Tuesday, October 18th
1st Grade (Rooms 101, 109, 103) Field Trip to Goebbert’s Pumpkin Farm
Wednesday, October 19th
Happy Birthday Eva Popowska 🙂
WEAR ORANGE! Nationwide UNITY Day! Wear orange to show that you are united in supporting bullying prevention in our school!
PATS Field Trip to Heritage Farm
Adam from Forester’s Financial Visits (in lounge)
TAPS (2nd/3rd Grade)
ABC Parent Meeting @ 6pm
Board of Education Meeting @ 7pm (LMS)
Thursday, October 20th
Kindergarten Field Trip to Dider Farms
The Great Shakeout (Earthquake Drill) @ 10:20am *See email in Kennedy conference for more info!
SLT Meeting @ 3:00pm
Friday, October 21st
5 by Friday! Are you making 5 positive connections with parents by Friday?3
(10/22) ABC Fall Fest @ LMS 11am-3pm
Tech Tips:
Share A Bundle of Links with Sqworl
Kudoboard – Create a Digital Group Greetings
Fall Resources for SMART Boards
Fire Prevention Activities (Click picture to take you to the idea)