Week 5: 09/12/16 – 09/16/16


Here’s our week at a glance:

Monday, September 12th
1st Day of Reading Room
Morning Interventions in Full Swing….

Tuesday, September 13th
Faculty Meeting @ 2:50pm <–click for agenda

Wednesday, September 14th
Half Day of School  (AM PreK dismisses @ 10:30am, K-3 dismisses at 10:55am, NO PM PreK)
SIP Agenda <–click to view

Thursday, September 15th
Bus Evacuation Drill <—K-3 teachers, have you signed up for a slot yet?
Boy Scouts of America Sign-Up (6:30pm-8:15pm in main lobby)

Friday, September 16th
Fire Drill @ 9:00am
*Questions on where to exit the building, please ask an administrator
5 Positive Connections by Friday! 🙂
Spiritwear Orders Due!

-Please fill out the Google Form for our Think College Thursdays bulletin board
-All Staff should please sign up for a School Improvement Committee for this year (see Kennedy conference for an email sent with link to sign up). Our first ‘check-in’ will be this Wednesday at the end of our SIP day work.
-Certified Non-Tenured Staff: Please be sure to schedule your first observation with your administrator