From Michael Pinto’s Blog:

“Is there A Perfect Christmas Tree? As I walked through the Christmas Tree farm today I saw many wonderful trees. But none that were perfect. Some were too scrawny, while others had spots that were worn. Still others had the wrong kind of needles and others were not tall enough. In the end, the tree that is chosen is the tree that hits certain criteria but the imperfections are noted to give the tree ‘character’. We then add our touches and wonderfulnesses and get a something which brings both joy and warmth.
When we work with children we must always realize that no child is perfect. They have differences that add ‘character’ to who they are. These differences make each interaction sometimes challenging, sometimes exhilarating, but always unique and memorable. And as much as we might hope that we find the perfect tree, we won’t. Nor will we with a child. And when we spend time with children we must always remember that when these imperfections arise, like the Christmas tree – we must celebrate all the qualities that when we add our own touches, something that is warm and wonderful results.”
Here’s our week at a glance:
Monday, December 8th
Santa’s Secret Shop (Browse Day) <–sign up for a slot if you haven’t already
Happy Birthday Cindy DeRose 🙂Â
Tuesday, December 9th
Santa’s Secret Shop (Buy Day)
PATS Field Trip to the Museum of Science & Industry
Faculty Meeting @ 2:50pm
Wednesday, December 10th
Santa’s Secret Shop (Buy Day)
PreK/PATS Tree Decorating Party (2-3pm in the cafeteria)
Thursday, December 11th
1st Grade/Multiage Field Trip to Mrs. Clause Musical
Winter Choral Concert @ 6:30pm (LMS)
Friday, December 12th
Picture Retake Day (in the gym)
December Buddy Event
(12/13) Happy Birthday Linda Dwoinen 🙂
I had the pleasure of attending an Apple Leadership & Learning workshop last Friday with my fellow administrators & wanted to share two awesome apps that were shared:
 Explain Everything ($2.99)
 i Read With Curious George ($2.99)
*Check out how to use the SeeSaw app as a digital portfolio for students!Â
As we move toward the refresh of our interactive whiteboards with the installation of the SMART Panels in our classrooms, I look forward to partnering with you as we embark on a renewed journey towards integrating technology into our classrooms. Whether it’s iPads, laptops or the new SMART panels, we must remember that effective school change depends on what teachers do and think. Since teachers are the ones with the greatest impact on student learning, we must work together & learn together!  I look forward to learning with you!